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使用 hugo 和 ox-hugo 写博客

··7859 字·
emacs hugo org-mode blog
Table of Contents

这篇文章总结下我使用 hugo 和 blowfish 主题搭建博客的配置参数,同时也记录了使用 org-mode 和 ox-hugo 来写博客的过程。


<2024-04-26 Fri 18:15> 添加变更历史。

1 blowfish 主题

1.1 安装和更新主题

# 安装
hell new site mywebsite
cd mywebsite
git init
git submodule add -b main themes/blowfish

# 更新
git submodule update --remote --merge

参考: blowfish 安装文档。

1.2 配置主题

从 theme 复制配置文件:

$ tree ~/blog/
└── _default
    ├── config.toml
    ├── languages.en.toml
    ├── markup.toml
    ├── menus.en.toml
    ├── module.toml
    └── params.toml

1 directory, 6 files
$ cp -r ~/blog/ ~/blog/

配置 config/_default/config.toml 文件中的 languageCode 参数,设置为 "zh-CN" :与 blowfish/i18n 目录下的文件名前缀一致。

blowfish/i18n/zh-CN.yaml 中的部分配置被注释了, 导致不能正确显示博客文章的更新时间等内容, 需要修正:

# 修正后的内容如下(直接修改主题目录中的 i18n/zh-CN.yaml 文件)
zj@a:~/blog/$ cat themes/blowfish/i18n/zh-CN.yaml
  language: "🇨🇳"

  anchor_label: "锚点"
  date: "创建: {{ .Date }}"
  date_updated: "更新:{{ .Date }}"
  draft: "草稿"
  edit_title: "编辑内容"
    one: "{{ .Count }} 分钟"
    other: "{{ .Count }} 分钟"
  reading_time_title: "预计阅读"
  table_of_contents: "Table of Contents"
    one: "{{ .Count }} 字"
    other: "{{ .Count }} 字"
    one: "{{ .Count }} view"
    other: "{{ .Count }} views"
    one: "{{ .Count }} like"
    other: "{{ .Count }} likes"
  part_of_series: "这篇文章属于一个系列。"
  part: "§"
  this_article: "本文"
  related_articles: "相关文章"
    enable: "Enable zen mode"
    disable: "Disable zen mode"

  byline_title: "作者"

  copy: "Copy"
  copied: "Copied"

  404_title: "找不到网页 😕"
  404_error: "404 错误"
  404_description: "您请求的页面似乎不存在。"

  dark_appearance: "切换为深色模式"
  light_appearance: "切换为浅色模式"
  powered_by: "由 {{ .Hugo }} &amp; {{ .Theme }} 强力驱动"

  externalurl_title: "链接到外部网站"
  no_articles: "这里还没有任何文章可以列出。"

  scroll_to_top_title: "Scroll to top"
  skip_to_main: "Skip to main content"

# search:
#   open_button_title: "Search (/)"
#   close_button_title: "Close (Esc)"
#   input_placeholder: "Search"

  email: "通过电子邮件发送"
  facebook: "分享到 Facebook"
  linkedin: "分享到 LinkedIn"
  pinterest: "钉到 Pinterest"
  reddit: "提交到 Reddit"
  twitter: "分享到 Twitter"

  recent_articles: "最近的文章"

  show_more: "显示更多"

配置 config/_default/makrup.toml 参数:

  unsafe = true # 开启非安全渲染

  guessSyntax = true # 部分不支持的 code language 使用猜测。
  noClasses = false

  startLevel = 1
  endLevel = 3 # 不包含 endLevel,所以只显示 1-2 级别。

1.3 browser icon

自定义浏览器图标:在 将自己的图片生成为各种尺寸的 icon,直接解压在 下载好的 icon 压缩包,并放在 /static 目录下即可。

$ ls -l ~/blog/
total 332K
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun  40K  5 17 13:42 android-chrome-192x192.png
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun 227K  5 17 13:42 android-chrome-512x512.png
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun  36K  5 17 13:42 apple-touch-icon.png
drwxr-xr-x  2 zhangjun   64  5 13 17:07 css/
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun  771  5 17 13:42 favicon-16x16.png
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun 2.1K  5 17 13:42 favicon-32x32.png
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun  16K  5 17 13:42 favicon.ico
drwxr-xr-x  3 zhangjun   96  5 13 17:23 js/
drwxr-xr-x 85 zhangjun 2.7K  5 13 21:16 ox-hugo/
-rw-rw-r--  1 zhangjun  263  5 17 13:42 site.webmanifest

1.4 custom icon

自定义 icon:将自定义的 svg 文件放在 /asserts/icons 目录下,为了使 icon 和主题自适应,需要在 svg 文件中添加属性 fill="currentColor" 如下:

    <<path fill="currentColor" d="xxx"/>
$ mkdir assets/icons
$ ls ~/Downloads/*.svg
/Users/zhangjun/Downloads/wechat.svg  /Users/zhangjun/Downloads/weibo.svg
$ mv ~/Downloads/*.svg  assets/icons/

1.5 内置 icon

Blowfish has built-in support for a number of FontAwesome 6 icons. These can be included in your website through either the icon partial or icon shortcode.

1.6 插入静态内容

以图片为例,现将图片等静态内容放到 static 的子目录下,如 static/images/made-with-emacs.svg

然后在自定义 html 页面片段如 layouts/partials/extend-footer.html 中使用相对于 static 目录的绝对路径来引用图片。

<div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center">
  <img src="/images/made-with-emacs.svg" width="150">

1.7 调大文档内容宽度

创建 assets/css/custom.css 文件,内容如下:

.max-w-fit, .max-w-prose {
    max-width: 100%;

1.8 firebase

配置后,可以显示页面访问计数和 like 统计,但是国内被墙。

1.9 baidu analytics

创建目录和文件: ~/blog/

  • 官方文档不对: layouts/partials/analytics.html,没有效果。


var _hmt = _hmt || [];
(function() {
  var hm = document.createElement("script");
  hm.src = "";
  var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
  s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s);

1.10 comment

  1. utterances:
  2. gisscus: 在 layouts/partials/comments.html 创建一个页面。在 配置基于 github repo 的 comment 评论系统,然后将自动生成的代码贴入上面的 comments.html 页面。
  3. cusdis:
<div id="cusdis_thread"
  data-page-id="{{ .File.UniqueID  }}"
  data-page-url="{{ .Permalink }}"
  data-page-title="{{ .Title  }}"
<script async defer src=""></script>

1.11 相关文章

config/_default/config.toml 文件中设置,主要是根据文件的 tags、categories、series 等标准来判断:

# 相关文档
  threshold = 0
  toLower = false

        name = "tags"
        weight = 100

        name = "categories"
        weight = 100

        name = "series"
        weight = 50

        name = "authors"
        weight = 20

        name = "date"
        weight = 10

      applyFilter = false
      name = 'fragmentrefs'
      type = 'fragments'
      weight = 10

1.12 阅读计数器

这里使用 busuanzi 阅读计数器方案。

在 config/_default/params.toml 尾部添加配置参数:

  enable = true

在 layouts/partials/extend-footer.html 文件中添加如下内容:

<!-- busuanzi -->
<div class="busuanzi-footer">
  <span id="busuanzi_container_site_pv">
    本站总访问量: <span id="busuanzi_value_site_pv"></span> 次
  <span id="busuanzi_container_site_uv">
    本站访客数: <span id="busuanzi_value_site_uv"></span> 人次

在 layouts/partials/extend-head.html 中添加如下内容:

  <script async src="//"></script>
  <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer-when-downgrade">

创建和修改指定 article-meta 目录:

mkdir layouts/partials/article-meta/
cp themes/blowfish/layouts/partials/article-meta/basic.html layouts/partials/article-meta/

修改 basic.html 文件,在 Ooutput taxonomies 的尾部添加 busuanzi 相关的内容:

{{/* Output taxonomies */}}
{{ if .Params.showTaxonomies | default (.Site.Params.article.showTaxonomies | default false) }}
<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap items-center">
  {{ range $taxonomy, $terms := .Site.Taxonomies }}
  {{ if and (not (eq $taxonomy "authors")) (not (eq $taxonomy "series"))}}
  {{ if (gt (len ($context.GetTerms $taxonomy)) 0) }}
  {{ range $context.GetTerms $taxonomy }}
  <span style="margin-top:0.5rem" class="mr-2" onclick="{{ .RelPermalink }},'_self');">
    {{ partial "badge.html" .LinkTitle }}
  {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

  {{ end }}

  <!-- busuanzi -->
  <span id="busuanzi_container_page_pv">阅读量: <span id="busuanzi_value_page_pv"></span>次</span>

{{ end }}
{{ end }}

1.13 rss


1.14 TOC

全局控制 TOC 显示级别:

  startLevel = 1
  endLevel = 3 # 不包含 endLevel,所以只显示 1-2 级别。


  • showTableOfContents: true

1.15 各种页面和配置Branch Pages

各种页面的 title:设置页面标题。

title: 分类列表
Blowfish 支持一些定制一些 taxonomies 页面。

Blowfish has full support for Hugo taxonomies and will adapt to any taxonomy set up. Taxonomy listings like this one also support custom content to be displayed above the list of terms.



  • Layout: layouts/index.html
  • Content: content/

List/Branch pages:显示该 branch 下的所有文章。

  • Layout: layouts/_default/list.html
  • Content: content/<XX>/
└── content
    └── projects
        ├──          # /projects
        ├──   # /projects/first-project
        └── another-project
            ├──       # /projects/another-project
            └── project.jpg

可以在 中设置适合该 List/Branch 下的所有文档的通用参数:例如添加目录项:

title: CloudNative
    name: CloudNative # 菜单项名称
    weight: 100
    identifier: "cloudnative" # 必须配置该字段才显示

title: "Projects"
description: "Learn about some of my projects."
cascade: # 对该目录下的 sub-page 都生效
  showReadingTime: false
This section contains all my current projects.

Taxonomy pages:较特殊的 branch pages,因为它显示的是一组预定义的列表(term list),后续可以用于对文档指定 taxonomy 的 term,用于对文档进行归类。某个 Taxonomy List 页面显示一组 term list,terms list 页面显示归属到该 term 的文档列表。

  1. 编辑文件 config/_default/config.toml 中的 taxonomies
    • key = value: key 是单数,values 是复数。
[taxonomies] # 预定义的 taxnomies,如 tags 和 categories
  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"
  author = "authors"
  series = "series"

然后就可以在 front mattter 中指定复数的 taxonomies,例如:categories/tags/series:

# org-mode 文档配置
#+HUGO_TAGS: ebpf
#+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series '("ebpf") :series_order 1

# 生成的 front matter:
title: "Linux 内核追踪和 eBPF 介绍"
author: ["张俊([email protected])"]
date: 2023-08-20T00:00:00+08:00
lastmod: 2024-02-19T21:32:19+08:00
tags: ["ebpf"]
categories: ["ebpf"]
draft: false
series: ["ebpf"]
series_order: 1

tags 和 categories 是通过预定义的 taxonomies 来实现的:

  1. content/categories/ # categories terms 列表,列表文件名固定为
  2. content/tags/ # tags terms 列表
  3. content/categories/emacs/ # categories 下的具体分类 emacs 页面,title 可以设置页面标题。
title: Emacs
Emacs 分类下的页面



Although it’s not obvious at this point, Hugo will now be generating list and term pages for this new taxonomy. By default the listing can be accessed at /animals/ and the term pages can be found at /animals/lion/ and /animals/cat/. The list page will list all the terms contained within the taxonomy. In this example, navigating to /animals/ will show a page that has links for “lion” and “cat” which take visitors to the individual term pages. The term pages will list all the pages contained within that term. These term lists are essentially the same as normal list pages and behave in much the same way. In order to add custom content to taxonomy pages, simply create files in the content folder using the taxonomy name as the sub-directory name. Anything in these content files will now be placed onto the generated taxonomy pages. As with other content, the front matter variables can be used to override defaults. In this way you could have a tag named lion but override the title to be “Lion”.

└── content
    └── animals
        ├──       # /animals,文件名必须是
        └── lion
            └──   # /animals/lion

leaf pages:Leaf pages in Hugo are basically standard content pages. They are defined as pages that don’t contain any sub-pages. These could be things like an about page, or an individual blog post that lives in the blog section of the website. The most important thing to remember about leaf pages is that unlike branch pages, leaf pages should be named without an underscore. Leaf pages are also special in that they can be grouped together at the top level of the section and named with a unique name. Leaf pages have a wide variety of front matter parameters that can be used to customise how they are displayed.

  • 两种形式:普通的 standalone 格式 或则 bundled 格式。
└── content
    └── blog  # section 名称,用于对 leaf page 进行分组
        ├──     # /blog/first-post  # 访问时不带文件名后缀
        ├──    # /blog/second-post
        └── third-post        # bundle package,访问路径 /blog/third-post,文件名必须是
            └── image.jpg

single page:文章页面:

  • Layout: layouts/_default/single.html # 文章页面
  • Content (standalone): content/<XX>/ # standalone 格式
  • Content (bundled): content/<XX>/page-name/ # bundled 格式

simple page:

  • Layout: layouts/_default/simple.html
  • Front Matter: layout: “simple”

通过在 front matter 中添加配置 layout: “simple” 可以对当前页面启用 simple layout。simple layout 默认会以 full-width template 来显示当前页面内容。

title: "My landing page"
date: 2022-03-08
layout: "simple"
This page content is now full-width.

External links

  • 点击时跳转到外部页面
title: "My Medium post"
date: 2022-01-25
externalUrl: ""
summary: "I wrote a post on Medium."
showReadingTime: false
  render: "false"
  list: "local"

1.16 导航菜单

  main:  #  main:header 导航,footer:页末导航
      class: center
    parent: Products
    pre: <i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i>
    weight: 20
title: Software

菜单显示位置(可以在博文的 fronter matter 部分设置):

  • menu:“main” # header 导航菜单
  • menu:“footer” # 页末导航菜单


  • wight:值越大越靠右

定义方式:section 级别、文档级别或站点级别。

  1. section 级别:在 section 的 文件中定义,后续所有在该目录下创建的文件,都可以通过

localhost:1313/ebpf/ 来访问( /ebpf/ 是 contenxt 下的子目录名称,例如

# cat content/ebpf/

title: eBPF  #
    name: eBPF # 菜单项名称
    weight: 100
    identifier: "ebpf" # 必须配置该字段才显示

Blowfish 支持一些定制一些 taxonomies 页面。

Blowfish has full support for Hugo taxonomies and will adapt to any taxonomy set up. Taxonomy listings like this one also support custom content to be displayed above the list of terms.

  1. 文档级别:在文档的 foront matter 部分定义,如在 header 导航栏显示一个 now 链接,点击时显示所在的文档:
# aritle front matter
  main:  # 头部
   name: now  # 菜单项名称
   weight: 40
  1. 站点级别: config/_default/menus.zh-cn.toml,可以通过 pageRef 来引用 section(显示为一个 lsit)或 page(显示具体的文章)。
[[main]]    # main 表示 header 导航菜单
  name = "标签"   # 菜单名称
  pageRef = "tags"  # 相对于 content 目录的子目录或文件,这里为 content/tags 目录,故显示为一个列表
  weight = 30

  pre = "github" # icon
  name = "Now"
  pageRef = ""  # 引用 content/ 页面,可以不加文件名后缀
  weight = 40

[[footer]]  # footer menu
  name = "标签"
  pageRef = "tags"
  weight = 10

  name = "分类"
  pageRef = "categories"
  weight = 20

2 ox-hugo 设置

2.1 输出文档

ox-hugo 全局缺省配置:

  • org-hugo-base-dir: markdown 文档根目录,文档会保存到该目录的 contenxt/<HUGO_SECTION> 目录下。
(use-package ox-hugo
  :after ox
  (setq org-hugo-base-dir (expand-file-name "~/blog/"))
  (setq org-hugo-section "posts")
  (setq org-hugo-front-matter-format "yaml")
  (setq org-hugo-export-with-section-numbers t)
  (setq org-hugo-auto-set-lastmod t))


  1. 建议:One post per Org subtree (preferred)
    • Export only the current post Org subtree, or
    • Export all valid Hugo post subtrees in a loop.
  2. 不建议:One post per Org file
    • This works but you won’t be able to leverage Org-specific benefits like tag and property inheritance, use of TODO states to translate to post draft state, =auto weight calculation for pages, taxonomies and menu items, etc.

subtree 模式使用 :PROPERTIES: 来设置 subtree 的输出属性,:PROPERTIES: 必须紧接着 headerline, 中间不能有空行,否则 ox-hugo 可能不识别。

文档输出根目录(即使只 subtree 输出, 也需要在文档整体设置):

  1. 整个文档:#+hugo_base_dir: ~/blog/
  2. subtree::HUGO_BASE_DIR:


  • 整个文件:#+hugo_section: posts
  • subtree::EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION: shell


  • 如果设置为 / 则表示的是 content/ 目录;
  • 如果是 subtree,对于子 tree,可以通过设置 EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION_FRAG 来在父 tree 的路径下添加子目录, 例如:
    • 父 tree 设置 :EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION: a
    • 子 tree 设置 :EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION_FRAG: b, 则子 tree 的输出保存位置 content/a/b


  • 整个文件:#+titile; (如果要输出整个文档, 则必须要定义);
  • subtree: org header 行内容作为输出文档的标题;


  • 整个文件:#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index
  • subtree::EXPORT_FILE_NAME: my-first-post, 不能嵌套,必须在 leaf node 上定义, 如果要输出该 subtree, 则必须要定义;

输出 Bundle 文档:

  1. Bundle:位于某一个 Section 下的目录名,由 #+HUGO_BUNDLE 配置;
  2. 输出文件名:必须是 index,由 #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index 配置;
    • 如果未定义 EXPORT_FILE_NAME(不建议), 则文件名称和源文件名称一致。


#+HUGO_BASE_DIR: ~/blog/
#+,HUGO_BUNDLE: linux-tracing-and-ebpf-introduction

subtree 输出 Bundle 文档:

  • Bundle 目录:由 :EXPORT_HUGO_BUNDLE: 指定,不能于整个文档或其他 subtree 重名。
  • 输出文档名:由 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 指定,但一般为 index 或 _index(建议, 可以使输出文件名唯一);
    • EXPORT_FILE_NAME 不能嵌套,也即一个子 subtree 不能再定义该 Property;
    • 如果使用 branch/leaf 结构,EXPORT_FILE_NAME 只能用于 leaf nodes, 也即设置 EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index

文档分类和 tag 属性:

  1. 整个文档:#+HUGO_TAGS: ebpf,#+HUGO_CATEGORIES: ebpf
  2. subtree: 通过 org-mode 的 header tag 来定义,其中分类的 tag 名称使用 @前缀,如 :tag1:@catagory1:
  3. 特殊的 noexport tag 表示不输出这个 header 及以下的内容。

输出的 front matter 格式:

  1. 整个文档:#+hugo_front_matter_format: yaml

Custom Front-matter Parameters:

  1. 整个文档: #+hugo_custom_front_matter:
# 文档级别
#+#+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series '("emacs") :series_order 2

# subtree
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series '("rust crate") :series_order 1


  • 如何区分输出整个文档或 subtree?
    • 如果文档包含 #+titile: 且光标不位于包含 PROPERTY 的 subtree 中, 则表明要输出文档;
    • 如果光标位于包含 PROPERTY 的 subtree 中, 而且具有 EXPORT_FILE_NAME PROPERTY 则输出该 subtree;
    • 即使只输出 subtree, 也需要在全局设置 #+hugo_base_dir: ~/blog/
    • 如果给文档或 subtree 新加了配置, 需要关闭并重新打开文档, 这样才能生效.
  • 发布 file 或 subtree:
    • C-c C-e H H: org-hugo-export-wim-to-md
      • If point is in a valid Hugo post subtree, export that subtree to a Hugo post in Markdown
        • 设置了 subtree property:EXPORT_FILE_NAME
      • If the file is intended to be exported as a whole (i.e. has the #+title keyword), export the whole Org file to a Hugo post in Markdown.
    • C-c C-e H A: org-hugo-export-wim-to-md :all-subtrees
      • If the Org file has one or more ‘valid Hugo post subtrees’, export them to Hugo posts in Markdown.
      • If the file is intended to be exported as a whole (i.e. no ‘valid Hugo post subtrees’ at all, and has the #+title keyword), export the whole Org file to a Hugo post in Markdown.
  • 只发布 file:
    • C-c C-e H h:Export the Org file to a Hugo post in Markdown. This is same as calling the org-hugo-export-to-md function interactively.

2.2 hugo front-matter

hugo 支持两种 front matter 格式: yaml 或 toml:

  • file based
#+hugo_front_matter_format: yaml

subtree based


输出文章标题: #+title ;


  • file base:#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME;
  • subtree-base-exported: 需要设置 EXPORT_FILE_NAME;
  • 如果配置了 #+hugo_bundle 或者 :EXPORT_HUGO_BUNDLE:, 则使用它作为文章目录名, EXPORT_FILE_NAME 可以设置为 index 或 _index;


Hugo front-matter (TOML) Org Org description
title = "foo" * foo Subtree heading
date = 2017-09-11T14:32:00-04:00 CLOSED: [2017-09-11 Mon 14:32] Auto-inserted CLOSED subtree property when switch to Org DONE state
date = 2017-07-24 :EXPORT_DATE: 2017-07-24 Subtree property
publishDate = 2018-01-26 SCHEDULED: <2018-01-26 Fri> Auto-inserted SCHEDULED subtree property using default C-c C-s binding
publishDate = 2018-01-26 :EXPORT_HUGO_PUBLISHDATE: 2018-01-26: Subtree property
expiryDate = 2999-01-01 :EXPORT_HUGO_EXPIRYDATE: 2999-01-01: Subtree property
lastmod = <current date> :EXPORT_HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD: t Subtree property
lastmod = <current date> #+hugo_auto_set_lastmod: t Org keyword
tags = ["toto", "zulu"] * foo :toto:zulu: Subtree heading tags
categories = ["x", "y"] * foo :@x:@y: Subtree heading tags with @ prefix
draft = true * TODO foo Subtree heading Org TODO state set to TODO.
draft = false * foo or * DONE foo Subtree heading Org TODO state not set or set to DONE.
weight = 123 (manual) :EXPORT_HUGO_WEIGHT: 123 Manual setting of page weight
weight = 123 (auto-calc) :EXPORT_HUGO_WEIGHT: auto When set to auto, page weight is auto-calculated
tags_weight = 123 (manual) :EXPORT_HUGO_WEIGHT: :tags 123 Manual setting of FOO taxonomy weight, by setting to :FOO VALUE
tags_weight = 123 (auto-calc) :EXPORT_HUGO_WEIGHT: :tags auto When set to :FOO auto, FOO taxonomy weight is auto-calculated
weight = 123 (in []) :EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu foo Menu weight is auto-calculated unless specified


Hugo front-matter (TOML) Org
title = "foo" #+title: foo
date = 2017-07-24 #+date: 2017-07-24
publishDate = 2018-01-26 #+hugo_publishdate: 2018-01-26
expiryDate = 2999-01-01 #+hugo_expirydate: 2999-01-01
lastmod = <current date> #+hugo_auto_set_lastmod: t
tags = ["toto", "zulu"] #+hugo_tags: toto zulu
categories = ["x", "y"] #+hugo_categories: x y
draft = true #+hugo_draft: true
draft = false #+hugo_draft: false
weight = 123 #+hugo_weight: 123
tags_weight = 123 #+hugo_weight: :tags 123
categories_weight = 123 #+hugo_weight: :categories 123
weight = 123 (in []) #+hugo_menu: :menu foo :weight 123



2.3 Post Bundle 和 Thumbnail

使用 post bundle 可以将一篇文档发布为一个目录,这样后续可以在目录中添加 thumbnail&hero 图片(feature* 开头)或background 图片(background* 开头)。

  • EXPORT_HUGO_BUNDLE: 指定 post bundle 的目录名称, 位于 content 目录下的子目录名称。
  • EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 建议设置,这样放置源文件重命名后,输出多份,一般是固定的 index;
*  DONE shell 历史 🐚bash:lang:@lang:blog:
CLOSED: [2023-05-07 Tue 16:10]
:EXPORT_DATE: [2023-05-07 Thu 15:00]
:EXPORT_HUGO_BUNDLE: 2023-05-07-shell-history

这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。

#+hugo: more


$ ls  2023-05-07-shell-history/
featured.png  images/
$ ls  2023-05-07-shell-history/images/shell_兼容和历史/

3 写 blog

3.1 datetime

缺省日志格式:org-hugo-date-format: “%Y-%m-%dT%T%z”,示例:2017-07-31T17:05:38-04:00

通过设置 #+hugo_auto_set_lastmod: t,ox-hugo 在输出的文档中使用当前 date 来创建或更新 lastmod 字段。


Subtree-based Exports

  1. Date:
  2. CLOSED: [2018-01-23 Tue 14:10]

2.Publish Date

  • SCHEDULED: <2060-01-26 Mon>
  • Expire Date
  • This is set using the :EXPORT_HUGO_EXPIRYDATE: property.
  • Last modified
  • :EXPORT_HUGO_LASTMOD: property.
  • :EXPORT_HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD: to a non-nil 时 ox-hugo 自动设置该时间戳;
    • 文件级别:#+HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD: t

3.2 image link #

引用 $HUGO_BASE_DIR/static 目录下的图片,如 ~/hugo/static/images/foo.png:

  • 发布后 ~/hugo/static 作为根目录, 对下面文件的引用使用 /images/foo.png;

Inline Image(直接显示图片):

  1. Unhyperlinked(不可点击): [[/images/org-mode-unicorn-logo-200px.png]]
  2. hyperlinked to an image(可以点击):=

显示图片链接: [[/images/org-mode-unicorn-logo-200px.png][Click here to see org-mode-unicorn-logo-200px.png]

引用 static 目录外的图片:

  • 如果是位于 static 目录外,且扩展名为org-hugo-external-file-extensions-allowed-for-copying;
  • ox-hugo 会将它们拷贝到 static 目录。

如果文件 source path 包含 /static/ 则 ox-hugo 将该文件 copy 到 $HUGO_BASE_DIR/static/ 目录时,会保留源文件路径中 /static/ 后的结构:

如果文件 source path 不包含 /static/ 则会拷贝到 org-hugo-default-static-subdirectory-for-externals 子目录(ox-hugo):

3.3 detail-summary

可以使用 #+details 嵌套的 #+summary 来对一部分内容进行合并和展开:

Why is this in green?
You will learn that later below in section.


Why is this in green?

You will learn that later below in section.

3.4 summary

在文件级别设置 summary 和配置是否显示 summary:

:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :summary “这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。"

或者在正文前使用 #+hugo: more 标记来分割 summary 和正文。

3.5 Tags and Categories


  • tags:header line 上的 org tag,如 :tag1:tag2:
  • categories: header line 上的 @ 开头的 tag,如 :@cat1:@cat2:


  1. #+hugo_tags: tag1 tag2
  2. #+hugo_categories: cat1 cat2
  3. 统一: #+filetags
    • #+filetags: tag1 tag2
    • #+filetags: @cat1 @cat2

3.6 不输出指定 header 下的内容

  1. 默认由变量 org-export-exclude-tags 指定的 tags 来控制;
  2. 可以在文件级别或者特定 header section 级别打上 noexport tag.

3.7 Author

指定多个 #+author 来指定多个作者:

#+author: FirstName LastName
#+author: FAuthor1 LAuthor1
#+author: FAuthor2 LAuthor2

或者使用 PROPERTY 格式,逗号分割:

:EXPORT_AUTHOR: FAuthor1 LAuthor1, FAuthor2 LAuthor2

不输出 author:

#+options: author:nil

:EXPORT_OPTIONS: author:nil

blowfish 不显示 Author:

  • Article 设置:showAuthor: false

3.8 series

先定义一个 series taxonomies

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"
  author = "authors"
  series = "series"

export 后生成的 Mark Articles

series: ["Documentation"]
series_order: 11

Custom Front-matter Parameters:

  1. 整个文档: #+hugo_custom_front_matter:
# 文档级别
#+#+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series '("emacs") :series_order 2

# subtree
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series '("rust crate") :series_order 1

然后可以通过 http://localhost:1313/series/ 来访问。

Marking an article as part of a series will automatically display the series module as you see in this page for example. You can choose whether that module starts opened or not using the article.seriesOpened global variable in params.toml or the front-matter parameter seriesOpened to specify an override at the article level.

3.9 org tree properties

CLOSED: [2023-05-07 Sun 16:10]

:EXPORT_DATE: [2023-05-07 Sun 15:00]
:HUGO_BASE_DIR: ~/blog/
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series ‘(“rust crate”) :series_order 1
# 生成目录结构
:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu “main”
# 生成各种 key:value, key 用 : 开头;
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :foo bar :baz zoo :alpha 1 :beta “two words” :gamma 10

3.10 保存时自动导出

M-x org-hugo-auto-export-mode

3.11 Custom Front-matter Parameters

Custom Front-matter Parameters 是对 hugo 没特殊意义,但是对 theme 有意义的配置:

  • subttee: :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: property
  • file: #+hugo_custom_front_matter:


:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :key1 value1 :key2 value2  # 一行可以设置多个 key value
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :key2 value2  # 多行的话,MATTER 后面加 +


#+hugo_custom_front_matter: :key1 value1
#+hugo_custom_front_matter: :key2 value2

list 语法:

:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :animals '(dog cat "penguin" "mountain gorilla") # list 语法
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :integers '(123 -5 17 1_234)
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :floats '(12.3 -5.0 -17E-6)
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :booleans '(true false)


animals = ["dog", "cat", "penguin", "mountain gorilla"]
integers = [123, -5, 17, 1_234]
floats = [12.3, -5.0, -1.7e-05]
booleans = [true, false]

Map 语法:

:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :versions '((emacs . "27.0.50") (hugo . "0.48"))
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :header '((image . "projects/Readingabook.jpg") (caption . "stay hungry, stay foolish"))
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :collection '((animals . (dog cat "penguin" "mountain gorilla")) (integers . (123 -5 17 1_234)) (floats . (12.3 -5.0 -17E-6)) (booleans . (true false)))


  emacs = "27.0.50"
  hugo = 0.48
  image = "projects/Readingabook.jpg"
  caption = "stay hungry, stay foolish"
  animals = ["dog", "cat", "penguin", "mountain gorilla"]
  integers = [123, -5, 17, 1_234]
  floats = [12.3, -5.0, -1.7e-05]
  booleans = [true, false]

其他 map of map,可以使用 Extra front-matter。

配置 subtree 属性:

  • 具体选 TOML 和 YAML 需要和 ox-hugo 导出时设置的 front matter 格式一致:
    • emacs 变量 org-hugo-front-matter-format 配置。

,#+begin_src yaml :front_matter_extra t
  - bar: 1
    zoo: abc
  - bar: 2
    zoo: def

YAML 格式:

,* Post with YAML front-matter
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: extra-front-matter-yaml
The contents of the #+begin_src yaml :front_matter_extra t YAML
block here will get appended to the YAML front-matter.
,#+begin_src yaml :front_matter_extra t
  - bar: 1
    zoo: abc
  - bar: 2
    zoo: def

blowfish theme 自定义的 front-matter 参数列表:


:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :summary "这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。这篇博客分享下 UNIX/Linux shell 的历史。"
:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :series '("shell") :series_order 1


3.12 中文支持


The locale is manually set to Chinese or Japanese by setting it to zh or ja using #+hugo_locale: keyword (or EXPORT_HUGO_LOCALE property).

3.13 menu front-matter #

So on each Page, the user can specify the keys of the associated Menu Entry using the menu front-matter.

In Org mode, these Menu Entry keys are specified using the :EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: property (subtree-based exports) or #+hugo_menu: keyword (file-based exports). They are set in this property list form:

:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu <menu name> <:key 1> <val 1> <:key 2> <val 2> ..

The :menu key is mandatory because that’s used to specify the current Page’s Menu Entry’s parent Menu name.

  • menu name 两个类型:main 和 footer,分别表示页面头部和底部的导航。


  • 未指定 :parent 时,直接添加到 main 菜单栏中, 指定时 value 应该是父 menu 的 Name 或 Identifier 值。
  • 未指定 :name 时,默认使用文档标题, 如 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: 设置的值;
  • :identifier : 如果多个菜单项名称相同, 则需要配置该参数来区分. 如果未设置则默认为 :title 值;
  • :title : 默认为文档标题;

#+,#+hugo_menu: :menu main :parent emacs


,* Posts under the main Menu
:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu main
,** Post 1
,** Post 2

产生的 menu 如下:

    weight = 3001
    identifier = “post-1” # 来源于文档标题, 进而来源于 :EXPORT_FILE_NAME:

    weight = 3002
    identifier = “post-2”


,* Parent subtree
:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu “something here” :parent posts
,** Post 1
:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU_OVERRIDE: :identifier “abc” :weight 100
,** Post 2


  [menu."something here"]
    parent = "posts"
    weight = 100
    identifier = "abc"

  [menu."something here"]
    identifier = "post-2"
    parent = "posts"
    weight = 1

file-based 的带 parent ment 的例子:

#+hugo_menu: :menu main :parent Emacs


4 其他主题


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rust rust