axum 是基于 hyper 实现的异步 HTTP Server 库,典型使用流程:
- 创建
来定义 PATH 和关联的 Service,Service 一般使用RouterMethod
; - Handler:一般由异步闭包函数实现:
- 输入是
,用来从请求中提取相关信息; - 返回实现
IntoResponse trait
对象(而不是 Result),axum 为 Rust 基本类型和其它类型实现了该 trait;
- 输入是
Router/RouterMethod/Handler 三级都可以:
- 通过 layer() 方法来添加中间件,从而在 Handler 处理前先做一些处理;
- 通过 with_state() 添加状态对象;
use axum::{Router, routing::get};
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(root))
// get() 方法处理 GET 类型请求,返回 RouterMethod 类型(实现了 Service),可以链式调用
.route("/foo", get(get_foo).post(post_foo))
.route("/foo/bar", get(foo_bar));
// 实现 Handler trait 的闭包
async fn root() {}
async fn get_foo() {}
async fn post_foo() {}
async fn foo_bar() {}
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();
1 axum::serve #
axum::serve() 是 auxm 入口。它的第二个参数 make_service 是 Service 工厂,即 Service of Service:
- 第一级:
Service<IncomingStream<'a>, Error = Infallible, Response = S>
- 第二级:
Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static
其中 Request 和 Response 均为 http::request::Request 和 http::response::Response
其中 Body 为 Struct axum::body::Body
类型,它实现了 http_body::Body<bytes::Bytes> trait
注意:M 没有直接使用 tower::MakeService trait 来做限界,但是效果和语义是一致的。
pub fn serve<M, S>(tcp_listener: TcpListener, make_service: M) -> Serve<M, S>
// 外层 Service:
// Request 是 IncomingStream 类型,Response是另一个 Service
M: for<'a> Service<IncomingStream<'a>, Error = Infallible, Response = S>,
// 内层 Service:
// Request 是 Type Alias axum::extract::Request<T=Body>=http::request::Request<T>
// Response 是 Type Alias axum::response::Response<T=Body> = http::response::Response<T>;
// Request<T=Body> 和 Response<T=Body> 中的 Body 为 Struct axum::body::Body,它实现了
// http_body::Body<bytes::Bytes> trait.
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send,
axum crate 的 Router/MethodRouter/Handler 类型都实现了这种 Service 工厂, 均可以作为 serve() 的参数:
// Router 实现了 Service<IncomingStream<'_>>,对应的 Response 还是 Router 类型
impl Service<IncomingStream<'_>> for Router<()>
type Response = Router
type Error = Infallible
type Future = Ready<Result>::Response, <Router as Service<IncomingStream<'_>>>::Error>>
// Router 实现了 Service<Request<B>>, 对应的 Reqeust<B> 中 B 实现
// http_body::Body<Data=bytes::Bytes>, 响应为 Struct
// http::response::Response<axum::body::Body>
impl<B> Service<Request<B>> for Router<()>
B: HttpBody<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static,
B::Error: Into<BoxError>
type Response = Response<Body> // Body 为 axum::body::Body 类型
type Error = Infallible
type Future = RouteFuture<Infallible>
// 示例:
// Serving a Router:
use axum::{Router, routing::get};
let router = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" }));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();
// Serving a MethodRouter:
use axum::routing::get;
let router = get(|| async { "Hello, World!" });
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();
// Serving a Handler: 需要调用 handler 的 into_make_service() 方法
use axum::handler::HandlerWithoutStateExt;
async fn handler() -> &'static str { "Hello, World!"}
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, handler.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
综上:Router 实现了 Service<IncomingStream<’_>> 它的 Response 为 Router 类型,该 Router 又实现了 Service<Request<B>>,所以 Router 满足 axum::serve() 的 make_service 参数的 M 限界要求。
2 Router #
Router<S=()> 用于定义 PATH 和处理逻辑。
- S 对应的 是 state 类型,state 可以是实现 Clone 的任意自定义对象类型。
// S 为 Router 的 State,缺省值为 ();
pub struct Router<S = ()> { /* private fields */ }
route(): 使用 MethodRouter<S> 处理逻辑, 一般通过 axum::routing::method_routing module 提供的各种 HTTP Method 命令的方法来实现, 例如:
- axum::routing::method_routing::get(handler: Handler<T, S>), Handler 一般通过
实现; - axum::routing::method_routing::get_service(svc: Service<Request>), 而 svc 一般通过
- axum::routing::method_routing::get(handler: Handler<T, S>), Handler 一般通过
router_service(): 使用 tower::Service 处理逻辑, 一般通过
闭包来实现, 或者直接复用 tower_http crate 中预定义的 Service, 如tower_http::services::ServeFile
layer(): 使用 Layer<Route> 处理逻辑, 可以使用
从闭包来创建, 或者直接复用 tower_http crate 中预定义的 Layer, 如tower_http::trace::TraceLayer
综上: 各种处理逻辑类型, 如 Handler, Service, Layer 都可以使用闭包函数
// Router<S=()> 实现的方法如下:
// 添加一个对 path 的 MethodRouter 处理逻辑
pub fn route(self, path: &str, method_router: MethodRouter<S>) -> Self
// 添加一个对 path 的 Service 处理,可以使用 tower::service_fn() 从闭包函数创建, 也可
// 以使用 tower_http 的各种 middleware。
// 注意:Service 的 Error = Infallible, 如果 tower::service_fn() 闭包的返回值 Result
// 的 Err 不为 Infallible,则不满足该 Serivce 限界,需要使用
// axum::error_handling::HandleError 来转换。
pub fn route_service<T>(self, path: &str, service: T) -> Self
T: Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
T::Response: IntoResponse,
T::Future: Send + 'static
// 添加嵌套的 Router
pub fn nest(self, path: &str, router: Router<S>) -> Self
pub fn nest_service<T>(self, path: &str, service: T) -> Self
T: Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
T::Response: IntoResponse,
T::Future: Send + 'static
// 将多个 Router 的合并到一起
pub fn merge<R>(self, other: R) -> Self where R: Into<Router<S>>
// 为 Router 所有的 Route 都添加 layer middleware(而不管它们是否匹配该 Router)。
// 按照添加的反序来调用,最后调用 handler。
// layer() 获取所有权,返回一个新 Router<S>,故可以链式调用
pub fn layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Router<S>
L: Layer<Route> + Clone + Send + 'static,
L::Service: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<Infallible> + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static
// 只为匹配 Route 的请求添加 layer
pub fn route_layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Self
L: Layer<Route> + Clone + Send + 'static,
L::Service: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<Infallible> + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static
// 没有匹配的 Route 时 fallback 到的 handler
pub fn fallback<H, T>(self, handler: H) -> Self where H: Handler<T, S>, T: 'static
pub fn fallback_service<T>(self, service: T) -> Self
T: Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
T::Response: IntoResponse,
T::Future: Send + 'static
// 为 Router 提供 state,后续通过 handler 的 extract 来获得该 state,
// state 可以是实现 Clone 的任意自定义对象类型。
// 为 Router 的所有请求提供全局数据,不适合给特定单个请求提供数据(用 Extension)。
// S2 的类型是靠后续使用 Router 自动推导的。
pub fn with_state<S2>(self, state: S) -> Router<S2>
// 直接调用 tower::ServiceExt 的方法会报错(隐式类型推导失败),需要调用该方法来解决。
pub fn as_service<B>(&mut self) -> RouterAsService<'_, B, S>
// 将 Route 转换为 MakeService, 它是创建另一个 Service 的 Service, 主要的使用场景是作
// 为 axum::serve 的参数。
pub fn into_make_service(self) -> IntoMakeService<Self>
Router 虽然实现了 Service<Request<B>>
即 Service<http::request::Request<B: http_body::Body<Data=bytes.Bytes>>
, 但是直接调用 tower::ServiceExt 的方法会报错,解决办法是使用 Router 的 pub fn as_service<B>(&mut self) -> RouterAsService<'_, B, S>
use axum::{
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
let mut router = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async {}));
let request = Request::new(Body::empty());
// let response = router.ready().await?.call(request).await?;
// ^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `B`
// OK
let response = router.as_service().ready().await?.call(request).await?;
Router 提供了 into_make_service()/into_make_service_with_connect_info()
等方法来创建一个实现 MakeService trait 的类型:
// 返回一个 Service 工厂类型
pub fn into_make_service(self) -> IntoMakeService<Self> // 注意泛型参数 Self 为 Router 类型
// S 为 Router 类型时(因为是调用 Router::into_make_service() 方法),Response 也为
// Router 类型,而 Router 实现了 MakeService trait. 所以 IntoMakeService 实现了
// Service 和 MakeService trait。
impl<S, T> Service<T> for IntoMakeService<S> where S: Clone
type Response = S
type Error = Infallible
type Future = IntoMakeServiceFuture<S>
// 示例
use axum::{
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hi!" }));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
// axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
use axum::{
routing::{get, delete, any_service, get_service, MethodFilter, on_service},
extract::{Request, Path, State},
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use tower::service_fn;
use tower_http::services::ServeFile;
use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer;
use tower_http::validate_request::ValidateRequestHeaderLayer;
use http::Response;
use std::{convert::Infallible, io};
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(root))
// get() 返回 MethodRouter,可以链式调用
.route("/users", get(list_users).post(create_user))
.route("/users/:id", get(show_user))
.route("/api/:version/users/:id/action", delete(do_users_action))
.route("/assets/*path", get(serve_asset));
async fn root() {}
async fn list_users() {}
async fn create_user() {}
async fn show_user(Path(id): Path<u64>) {}
// 多个 Path 参数用 tuple 表示
async fn do_users_action(Path((version, id)): Path<(String, u64)>) {}
async fn serve_asset(Path(path): Path<String>) {}
let app = Router::new()
.route( "/", any_service(
// 从闭包创建 Service,闭包返回的 Result 的 Err 必须是 Infallible 类型,这样
// 才匹配类型约束。否则需要使用 axum::error_handling::HandleError 来转换 Err
// 为 Infallible。
service_fn(|_: Request| async {
// 先创建一个 auxm::body::Body 对象,然后用它创建一个 http::Response 对象。
let res = Response::new(Body::from("Hi from `GET /`"));
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
.route_service( "/foo", service_fn(|req: Request| async move {
// 使用 axum::body::Body 类型,它实现了 http_body::Body trait
let body = Body::from(format!("Hi from `{} /foo`", req.method()));
let res = Response::new(body);
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
.route_service( "/static/Cargo.toml", ServeFile::new("Cargo.toml"), );
// on_service 是通用的请求函数,需要指定具体的 HTTP Method
let service = tower::service_fn(|request: Request| async {
Ok::<_, Infallible>(Response::new(Body::empty()))});
let app = Router::new().route("/", on_service(MethodFilter::DELETE, service));
let user_routes = Router::new() .route("/users", get(users_list)) .route("/users/:id", get(users_show));
let team_routes = Router::new() .route("/teams", get(teams_list));
let app = Router::new().merge(user_routes) .merge(team_routes);
let app = Router::new()
.route("/foo", get(|| async {}))
.route("/bar", get(|| async {}))
let app = Router::new() .route("/foo",
get(|| async {})) .route_layer(ValidateRequestHeaderLayer::bearer("password"));
// `GET /foo` with a valid token will receive `200 OK`
// `GET /foo` with a invalid token will receive `401 Unauthorized`
// `GET /not-found` with a invalid token will receive `404 Not Found`
let app = Router::new()
.route("/foo", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
async fn fallback(uri: Uri) -> (StatusCode, String) {}
struct AppState {}
let routes = Router::new()
// 使用 axum::extract::State 来为请求获得 global state
.route("/", get(|State(state): State<AppState>| async {
// 使用 state
})).with_state(AppState {});
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
let mut router = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async {}));
let request = Request::new(Body::empty());
let response = router.as_service().ready().await?.call(request).await?;
3 ConnectInfo/IncomingStream #
Router 的 into_make_service_with_connect_info<C>()
方法的主要使用场景是为 Handler 的
extractor 传入对象(通过 HTTP Request Extensions 实现),这样可以获取
client 连接信息,如 socket 地址:
pub fn into_make_service_with_connect_info<C>(self) -> IntoMakeServiceWithConnectInfo<Self, C>
// 示例
use axum::{
use std::net::SocketAddr; // 直接支持
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
async fn handler(ConnectInfo(addr): ConnectInfo<SocketAddr>) -> String {
format!("Hello {addr}")
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<SocketAddr>()).await.unwrap();
可以通过实现 Connected<IncomingStream<'_>> trait
来自定义 ConnectInfo 类型:
- axum 为 std::net::SocketAddr 和 IncomingStream<’_> 类型实现了 Connected trait,它们可以直接使用;
Struct axum::serve::IncomingStream
是包含 local_addr 和 remote_addr 的类型。它是
MethodRouter/HandlerService 等类型在实现 Service 是的 Request 类型,如: impl Service<IncomingStream<'_>> for MethodRouter<()>
use axum::{
extract::connect_info::{ConnectInfo, Connected},
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
async fn handler(ConnectInfo(my_connect_info): ConnectInfo<MyConnectInfo>, ) -> String {
format!("Hello {my_connect_info:?}")
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct MyConnectInfo {
// ...
impl Connected<IncomingStream<'_>> for MyConnectInfo {
fn connect_info(target: IncomingStream<'_>) -> Self {
MyConnectInfo {
// ...
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<MyConnectInfo>()).await.unwrap();
4 body #
Handler 需要返回实现 IntoResponse trait 的对象,而 http::Response<Body: http_body::Body>
是泛型类型,需要指定 Body 的具体类型。
axum 使用自己定义的,实现了 http_body::Body<bytes::Bytes> trait
的 Struct axum::body::Body
类型作为 Handler 的返回值。
- 该 Body 类型可以用作 extractor 或则 Handler 的响应。
// Struct axum::body::Body
pub struct Body(/* private fields */);
// 从实现了 http_body::Body 的对象创建 auxm::body::Body 类型对象
pub fn new<B>(body: B) -> Body
B: Body<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static, // Body 为 http_body::Body
<B as Body>::Error: Into<Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>>
// 其它快速创建 axum::body::Body 的方式
impl From<&'static [u8]> for Body
impl From<&'static str> for Body
impl From<()> for Body
impl From<Bytes> for Body
impl From<Cow<'static, [u8]>> for Body
impl From<Cow<'static, str>> for Body
impl From<String> for Body
impl From<Vec<u8>> for Body
// axum::body::Body 实现了 FromRequest,可以作为 extractor 来使用
impl<S> FromRequest<S> for Body where S: Send + Sync
type Rejection = Infallible
fn from_request<'life0, 'async_trait>(
req: Request<Body>,
_: &'life0 S
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Body, <Body as FromRequest<S>>::Rejection>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
'life0: 'async_trait,
Body: 'async_trait
// axum::body::Body 实现了 IntoResponse,可以作为 Handler 返回值
impl IntoResponse for Body
fn into_response(self) -> Response<Body>
// 示例
let app = Router::new()
.route( "/", any_service(
// 从闭包创建 Service,闭包返回的 Result 的 Err 必须是 Infallible 类型,这样
// 才匹配类型约束。否则需要使用 axum::error_handling::HandleError 来转换 Err
// 为 Infallible。
service_fn(|_: Request| async {
// 先创建一个 auxm::body::Body 对象,然后用它创建一个 http::Response 对象
let res = Response::new(Body::from("Hi from `GET /`"));
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
5 MethodRouter #
MethodRouter 是 Router::route(path, method_router)
方法的参数类型,为 path 提供处理逻辑。
MethodRouter<S, Infallible>
封装了请求 Method 及其 Handler 处理逻辑,可以链式调用,实现根据 Method 来进行不同的 Hander 处理。
impl<S> MethodRouter<S, Infallible> where S: Clone // S 是 State 的类型,一般由 Router<S> 传递下来。
// MethodRouter 的方法:
// on()/on_service() 是通用方法,是其它方法,如 get()/delete() 等的基础。MethodFilter
// 是枚举类型,表示标准的 HTTP Method。
pub fn on<H, T>(self, filter: MethodFilter, handler: H) -> Self
H: Handler<T, S>,
T: 'static,
S: Send + Sync + 'static
pub fn on_service<T>(self, filter: MethodFilter, svc: T) -> Self
T: Service<Request, Error = E> + Clone + Send + 'static,
T::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
T::Future: Send + 'static
// 其它返回 MethodRouter 的方法,它们是 on() 方法的封装,可以链式调用
pub fn delete<H, T>(self, handler: H) -> Self
H: Handler<T, S>,
T: 'static,
S: Send + Sync + 'static
pub fn get<H, T>(self, handler: H) -> Self
H: Handler<T, S>,
T: 'static,
S: Send + Sync + 'static
pub fn head<H, T>(self, handler: H) -> Self
H: Handler<T, S>,
T: 'static,
S: Send + Sync + 'static
auxm::routing modle 提供了一些快捷函数,如
等来快速创建对应 HTTP Method
的 MethodRouter 对象:
// Re-exports
pub use self::method_routing::any;
pub use self::method_routing::any_service;
pub use self::method_routing::delete;
pub use self::method_routing::delete_service;
pub use self::method_routing::get;
pub use self::method_routing::get_service;
pub use self::method_routing::head;
pub use self::method_routing::head_service;
pub use self::method_routing::on;
pub use self::method_routing::on_service;
pub use self::method_routing::options;
pub use self::method_routing::options_service;
pub use self::method_routing::patch;
pub use self::method_routing::patch_service;
pub use self::method_routing::post;
pub use self::method_routing::post_service;
pub use self::method_routing::put;
pub use self::method_routing::put_service;
pub use self::method_routing::trace;
pub use self::method_routing::trace_service;
pub use self::method_routing::MethodRouter; // on()/on_service() 使用的请求方法类型(关联常量)
以 get()/get_service() 为例:
- get(): 使用 Handler 处理逻辑;
- get_service(): 使用 Service 处理逻辑;
pub fn get<H, T, S>(handler: H) -> MethodRouter<S, Infallible>
H: Handler<T, S>,
T: 'static,
S: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static
pub fn get_service<T, S>(svc: T) -> MethodRouter<S, T::Error>
T: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
T::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
T::Future: Send + 'static,
S: Clone,
// 示例:
use axum::{
async fn handler() {}
async fn other_handler() {}
let service = tower::service_fn(|request: Request| async {
// 返回值 Result 的 Err 必须是 Infallible
Ok::<_, Infallible>(Response::new(Body::empty()))
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
.route("/svc", get_service(service).on(MethodFilter::DELETE, other_handler));
MethodRouter 支持添加 state 和 layer,但只对该 MethodRouter 的 Handler 有效:
// 关联 State
pub fn with_state<S2>(self, state: S) -> MethodRouter<S2, E>
// 关联 Layer,Layer 在 Handler 之前处理
pub fn route_layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> MethodRouter<S, E>
L: Layer<Route<E>> + Clone + Send + 'static,
L::Service: Service<Request, Error = E> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static,
E: 'static,
S: 'static,
// 示例
use axum::{ routing::get, Router, };
use tower_http::validate_request::ValidateRequestHeaderLayer;
let app = Router::new().route(
get(|| async {}).route_layer(ValidateRequestHeaderLayer::bearer("password"))
// `GET /foo` with a valid token will receive `200 OK`
// `GET /foo` with a invalid token will receive `401 Unauthorized`
// `POST /FOO` with a invalid token will receive `405 Method Not Allowed`
MethodRouter 是否实现 tower::Service<Request> trait, 取决于它的 State 情况
() 的情况,需要使用 with_state()
传入对应类型的 state 值后,该 MethodRouter 才实现
use tower::Service;
use axum::{routing::get, extract::{State, Request}, body::Body};
// this `MethodRouter` doesn't require any state, i.e. the state is `()`,
let method_router = get(|| async {});
// and thus it implements `Service`
// this requires a `String` and doesn't implement `Service`
let method_router = get(|_: State<String>| async {});
// until you provide the `String` with `.with_state(...)`
let method_router_with_state = method_router.with_state(String::new());
// and then it implements `Service`
// helper to check that a value implements `Service`
fn assert_service<S>(service: S) where S: Service<Request>, {}
6 Handler #
Handler trait
是 MethodRouter
各方法 on/get/delete/put/post()
async 闭包函数实现。
pub trait Handler<T, S>: Clone + Send + Sized + 'static {
type Future: Future<Output = Response> + Send + 'static;
// Required method
fn call(self, req: Request, state: S) -> Self::Future;
// Provided methods,返回的 Layered 也实现了 Handler
fn layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Layered<L, Self, T, S>
where L: Layer<HandlerService<Self, T, S>> + Clone,
L::Service: Service<Request> { ... }
fn with_state(self, state: S) -> HandlerService<Self, T, S> { ... }
// An adapter that makes a Handler into a Service.
// Created with Handler::with_state or HandlerWithoutStateExt::into_service.
pub struct HandlerService<H, T, S> { /* private fields */ }
impl<H, T, S> HandlerService<H, T, S>
pub fn state(&self) -> &S
pub fn into_make_service(self) -> IntoMakeService<HandlerService<H, T, S>>
pub fn into_make_service_with_connect_info<C>(self)->IntoMakeServiceWithConnectInfo<HandlerService<H,T,S>, C>
// HandlerService 也是 Service of Service 工厂, 可以直接给 axum::serve() 使用。
impl<H, T, S> Service<IncomingStream<'_>> for HandlerService<H, T, S>
H: Clone,
S: Clone
type Response = HandlerService<H, T, S> // 返回自身类型
type Error = Infallible
impl<H, T, S, B> Service<Request<B>> for HandlerService<H, T, S>
H: Handler<T, S> + Clone + Send + 'static,
B: HttpBody<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static,
B::Error: Into<BoxError>,
S: Clone + Send + Sync
type Response = Response<Body>
type Error = Infallible
// layer() 返回的 Layerd 实现了 Handler
impl<H, S, T, L> Handler<T, S> for Layered<L, H, T, S>
L: Layer<HandlerService<H, T, S>> + Clone + Send + 'static,
H: Handler<T, S>,
L::Service: Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send,
T: 'static,
S: 'static
// MethodRouter 也实现了 Handler
impl<S> Handler<(), S> for MethodRouter<S> where S: Clone + 'static
// 示例:
// Serving a Handler: 需要调用 handler 的 into_make_service() 方法
use axum::handler::HandlerWithoutStateExt;
async fn handler() -> &'static str { "Hello, World!"}
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, handler.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
axum 默认为 16 个参数内的 async FnOnce 闭包函数实现了 Handler trait:
- 闭包的输入参数是 extractor,可以有多个,但是前面的参数必须实现
; - 闭包返回的 Output 必须实现
IntoResponse + Clone + Send + 'static
, 所以一般不包含借用, 而是使用move
这些 async FnOnce 函数或闭包返回的结果是 Future<Output = IntoResponse>
Error 的 Result 类型, 所以 Handler 没有提供出错返回的机制
。如果要返回出错信息,需要自定义 Error type 并实现 IntoResponse。
// 一些实现 Handler 的闭包函数示例
impl<F, Fut, Res, S> Handler<((),), S> for F
F: FnOnce() -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static, // 闭包函数
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
Res: IntoResponse
impl<F, Fut, S, Res, M, T1> Handler<(M, T1), S> for F
F: FnOnce(T1) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static, // 闭包函数
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
S: Send + Sync + 'static,
Res: IntoResponse,
T1: FromRequest<S, M> + Send
impl<F, Fut, S, Res, M, T1, T2> Handler<(M, T1, T2), S> for F
F: FnOnce(T1, T2) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
S: Send + Sync + 'static,
Res: IntoResponse,
T1: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T2: FromRequest<S, M> + Send
// 一直到 16 个输入参数的闭包类型
impl<F, Fut, S, Res, M, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16> Handler<(M, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16), S> for F
F: FnOnce(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
S: Send + Sync + 'static,
Res: IntoResponse,
T1: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T2: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T3: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T4: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T5: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T6: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T7: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T8: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T9: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T10: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T11: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T12: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T13: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T14: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T15: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T16: FromRequest<S, M> + Send
闭包实现的 async Handler 示例:
use axum::{body::Bytes, http::StatusCode};
// 空返回值表示返回 200 OK,body 为空
async fn unit_handler() {}
// 返回 String 表示返回 200 OK 的同时返回纯文本 body
async fn string_handler() -> String {
"Hello, World!".to_string()
// Bytes 实现了 FromRequest,故是 extractor 类型,获得整个 body 内容。
// String/StatusCode 都实现了 IntoResponse, 故 Result<String, StatusCode> 也实现了 IntoResponse.
async fn echo(body: Bytes) -> Result<String, StatusCode> {
if let Ok(string) = String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()) {
} else {
Handler 也提供了 layer() 和 with_state() 方法,用来为该 Handler 添加中间件和状态:
- State 需要满足
Clone + Send + Sync + 'static
,一般需要获得 State 的所有权(如 Arc)才能满足 ‘static 要求。
// layer() 示例
use axum::{routing::get, handler::Handler, Router, };
use tower::limit::{ConcurrencyLimitLayer, ConcurrencyLimit};
async fn handler() { /* ... */ }
let layered_handler = handler.layer(ConcurrencyLimitLayer::new(64));
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(layered_handler));
// with_state() 示例
use axum::{
extract::{ConnectInfo, State},
use std::net::SocketAddr;
// State 需要实现 Clone
struct AppState {};
async fn handler(
ConnectInfo(addr): ConnectInfo<SocketAddr>,
State(state): State<AppState>, // 提取出 State
) -> String {
format!("Hello {addr}")
let app = handler.with_state(AppState {}); // 为 handler 关联 State
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<SocketAddr>(),).await.unwrap();
7 IntoResponse #
Handler 闭包函数的返回值需要实现 IntoResponse:
impl<F, Fut, S, Res, M, T1, T2> Handler<(M, T1, T2), S> for F
F: FnOnce(T1, T2) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static, // 闭包函数
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
S: Send + Sync + 'static,
Res: IntoResponse, // 需要实现 IntoResponse
T1: FromRequestParts<S> + Send,
T2: FromRequest<S, M> + Send
axum 默认为常用类型实现了 IntoResponse trait:
pub trait IntoResponse {
// Required method
fn into_response(self) -> Response<Body>; // Body 为 struct axum::body::Body
impl<const N: usize> IntoResponse for &'static [u8; N]
impl IntoResponse for &'static [u8]
impl<const N: usize> IntoResponse for [u8; N]
impl IntoResponse for &'static str
impl IntoResponse for &'static [u8]
impl IntoResponse for Cow<'static, str>
impl IntoResponse for Cow<'static, [u8]>
impl IntoResponse for Infallible
impl IntoResponse for ()
impl IntoResponse for Box<str>
impl IntoResponse for Box<[u8]>
impl IntoResponse for String
impl IntoResponse for Vec<u8>
impl IntoResponse for Bytes
impl IntoResponse for BytesMut
impl IntoResponse for Extensions
impl IntoResponse for HeaderMap
impl IntoResponse for Parts
impl IntoResponse for StatusCode
// Result 也实现了 IntoResponse, Ok 和 Err 都要实现 IntoResponse
impl<T, E> IntoResponse for Result<T, E> where T: IntoResponse, E: IntoResponse
// struct axum::response::ErrorResponse 也实现了 From<IntoResponse>
impl<T> IntoResponse for Result<T, ErrorResponse> where T: IntoResponse
impl<T, U> IntoResponse for Chain<T, U> where
T: Buf + Unpin + Send + 'static,
U: Buf + Unpin + Send + 'static,
// http::response::Response 实现 IntoResponse
impl<B> IntoResponse for Response<B>
B: Body<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static,
<B as Body>::Error: Into<Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>
// (K, V) 数组实现 IntoResponse, K 可转换为 HeaderName, V 可转换为 HeaderValue
impl<K, V, const N: usize> IntoResponse for [(K, V); N]
K: TryInto<HeaderName>,
<K as TryInto<HeaderName>>::Error: Display,
V: TryInto<HeaderValue>,
<V as TryInto<HeaderValue>>::Error: Display
// 特殊的 tuple 类型实现 IntoResponse , T1..T16 都是可选参数列表
impl<R> IntoResponse for (Parts, R) where R: IntoResponse
impl<R, T1> IntoResponse for (Parts, T1, R) where T1: IntoResponseParts, R: IntoResponse
impl<R> IntoResponse for (Response<()>, R) where R: IntoResponse
impl<R, T1> IntoResponse for (Response<()>, T1, R) where T1: IntoResponseParts, R: IntoResponse
impl<R> IntoResponse for (StatusCode, R) where R: IntoResponse
impl<R, T1> IntoResponse for (StatusCode, T1, R) where T1: IntoResponseParts, R: IntoResponse
impl<R, T1> IntoResponse for (T1, R) where T1: IntoResponseParts, R: IntoResponse
impl<R> IntoResponse for (R,) where R: IntoResponse
其它实现 IntoResponse 的类型,如 Json/Form/Html/Body 等:
// Extractor trait 内部的 Rejection 关联类型
impl IntoResponse for MultipartRejection
impl IntoResponse for BytesRejection
impl IntoResponse for ExtensionRejection
impl IntoResponse for FailedToBufferBody
// ...
// 其它 axum 定义的类型
impl IntoResponse for Body // struct axum::body::Body
impl IntoResponse for Redirect
impl<T> IntoResponse for Extension<T> where T: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
impl<T> IntoResponse for Form<T> where T: Serialize
impl<T> IntoResponse for Json<T> where T: Serialize // Struct axum::Json
impl<T> IntoResponse for Html<T> where T: Into<Body>
虽然文档没提, 任何实现 IntoResponse 的类型也实现了 Handler ,可以作为 MethodRouter 的各方法 on/get/delete/put/post() 的返回值:
mod private {
// Marker type for `impl<T: IntoResponse> Handler for T`
pub enum IntoResponseHandler {}
impl<T, S> Handler<private::IntoResponseHandler, S> for T
T: IntoResponse + Clone + Send + 'static,
type Future = std::future::Ready<Response>;
fn call(self, _req: Request, _state: S) -> Self::Future {
// 示例: 使用 tuple 来作为 Handler:
use axum::{
routing::{get, post},
use serde_json::json;
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get("Hello, World!")) // &str 实现了 IntoResponse
.route("/users", post(
// tuple 的成员都实现了 IntoResponse,所以 tuple 也实现了 IntoResponse
(StatusCode::CREATED, Json(json!({ "id": 1, "username": "alice" })),)));
8 extractor #
extractor 是实现了 FromRequest 或 FromRequestParts
trait 的类型值,它们作为 Handler
闭包函数的输入参数,用于从请求中提取相关信息供 Handler 闭包函数使用。
对于有多个 extractor 输入参数的 Handler 闭包函数,如 FnOnce(T1, T2, T3)
,前面的参数必须实现 FromRequestParts trait
,最后一个参数实现 FromRequest trait
FromRequestParts 不消耗 body,而 FromRequest 消耗 body 而且只能消耗一次。
use axum::{
// Request/Json/Path/Extension/Query 均是 extractor
extract::{Request, Json, Path, Extension, Query},
body::{Bytes, Body},
use serde_json::Value;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct CreateUser {
email: String,
password: String,
// 函数传参本质上是模式匹配赋值,所以类似于 Path((user_id, user_name)) 的
// user_id/user_name 是解构后的内容。
// Path 从请求中提取路径字段(多个字段用 tuple 表示)
async fn path(Path(user_id): Path<u32>) {}
async fn path(Path((user_id, user_name)): Path<(u32, String)>) {}
// Query 从请求参数中生成对应类型
async fn query(Query(params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>) {}
// HeaderMap 包含所有请求 HTTP Headers
async fn headers(headers: HeaderMap) {}
// String 包含请求 body 的内容,确保是有效的 UTF-8
async fn string(body: String) {}
// Bytes 包含 raw 请求 Body 的内容
async fn bytes(body: Bytes) {}
// Json 将请求 body 反序列化为对应类型值(通用的为 serde_json::Value 类型)
async fn json(Json(payload): Json<Value>) {}
// Json 既实现了 Extractor 的 FromRequest trait,也实现了 IntoResponse,所以可以作为
// Handler 返回值。
async fn create_user(Json(payload): Json<CreateUser>) {}
// Request 返回整个请求类型
async fn request(request: Request) {}
// Extension 从 request extensions 中提取数据,通用用于提取共享的 state
async fn extension(Extension(state): Extension<State>) {}
struct State { /* ... */ }
let app = Router::new()
.route("/path/:user_id/:user_name", post(path))
.route("/query", post(query))
.route("/string", post(string))
.route("/bytes", post(bytes))
.route("/json", post(json))
.route("/request", post(request))
.route("/extension", post(extension)
.route("/users", post(create_user));
Handler 闭包函数的各 extractor 函数参数默认都是必须的(否则报错),可以使用 Option
use axum::{
extract::{Path, Query},
use uuid::Uuid;
use serde::Deserialize;
let app = Router::new().route("/users/:id/things", get(get_user_things));
struct Pagination {
page: usize,
per_page: usize,
impl Default for Pagination {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { page: 1, per_page: 30 }
// Handler 可以同时使用多个 extractors
async fn get_user_things(
Path(user_id): Path<Uuid>, // 必须的参数
pagination: Option<Query<Pagination>>, // 可选的参数:从请求参数中构造(反序列化)为 Pagination 类型对象
) {
let Query(pagination) = pagination.unwrap_or_default();
// ...
使用 Result
获得 extractor 出错原因,错误类型是实现 extractor 的 FromRequestParts 或
FromRequest 时指定的类型 Rejection
use axum::{
extract::{Json, rejection::JsonRejection},
use serde_json::Value;
// 每种 Extractor 都定义了自己的 Rejection 类型,返回的 Result::Err 为对应类型值。
async fn create_user(payload: Result<Json<Value>, JsonRejection>) {
match payload {
Ok(payload) => {
// We got a valid JSON payload
Err(JsonRejection::MissingJsonContentType(_)) => {
// Request didn't have `Content-Type: application/json` header
Err(JsonRejection::JsonDataError(_)) => {
// Couldn't deserialize the body into the target type
Err(JsonRejection::JsonSyntaxError(_)) => {
// Syntax error in the body
Err(JsonRejection::BytesRejection(_)) => {
// Failed to extract the request body
Err(_) => {
// `JsonRejection` is marked `#[non_exhaustive]` so match must include a
// catch-all case.
let app = Router::new().route("/users", post(create_user));
更复杂的获取 extractor 出错信息的例子:
use std::error::Error;
use axum::{
extract::{Json, rejection::JsonRejection},
use serde_json::{json, Value};
async fn handler(result: Result<Json<Value>, JsonRejection>,) -> Result<Json<Value>, (StatusCode, String)> {
match result {
// if the client sent valid JSON then we're good
Ok(Json(payload)) => Ok(Json(json!({ "payload": payload }))),
Err(err) => match err {
JsonRejection::JsonDataError(err) => {
JsonRejection::JsonSyntaxError(err) => {
// handle other rejections from the `Json` extractor
JsonRejection::MissingJsonContentType(_) => Err((
"Missing `Content-Type: application/json` header".to_string(),
JsonRejection::BytesRejection(_) => Err((
"Failed to buffer request body".to_string(),
// we must provide a catch-all case since `JsonRejection` is marked
// `#[non_exhaustive]`
_ => Err((
"Unknown error".to_string(),
// attempt to extract the inner `serde_path_to_error::Error<serde_json::Error>`, if that succeeds we
// can provide a more specific error.
// `Json` uses `serde_path_to_error` so the error will be wrapped in `serde_path_to_error::Error`.
fn serde_json_error_response<E>(err: E) -> (StatusCode, String)
E: Error + 'static,
if let Some(err) = find_error_source::<serde_path_to_error::Error<serde_json::Error>>(&err) {
let serde_json_err = err.inner();
"Invalid JSON at line {} column {}",
} else {
(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown error".to_string())
// attempt to downcast `err` into a `T` and if that fails recursively try and downcast `err`'s
// source
fn find_error_source<'a, T>(err: &'a (dyn Error + 'static)) -> Option<&'a T>
T: Error + 'static,
if let Some(err) = err.downcast_ref::<T>() {
} else if let Some(source) = err.source() {
} else {
自定义 extractor:实现 FromRequestParts trait
use axum::{
header::{HeaderValue, USER_AGENT},
// Extractor 惯例是 struct tuple 类型(一般是泛型类型)
struct ExtractUserAgent(HeaderValue);
// S 为 State 类型
impl<S> FromRequestParts<S> for ExtractUserAgent where S: Send + Sync,
// 如果 extract 失败,返回的错误值类型。
type Rejection = (StatusCode, &'static str);
// 函数返回 Result,包含错误拒绝的值。
async fn from_request_parts(parts: &mut Parts, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
if let Some(user_agent) = parts.headers.get(USER_AGENT) {
} else {
Err((StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "`User-Agent` header is missing"))
// 函数传参本质上是模式匹配赋值,所以 user_agent 包含解构后的内容。
async fn handler(ExtractUserAgent(user_agent): ExtractUserAgent) {
// 使用 user_agent 值
let app = Router::new().route("/foo", get(handler));
自定义 extractor:实现 FromRequest:
use axum::{
extract::{Request, FromRequest},
response::{Response, IntoResponse},
body::{Bytes, Body},
header::{HeaderValue, USER_AGENT},
struct ValidatedBody(Bytes);
impl<S> FromRequest<S> for ValidatedBody
Bytes: FromRequest<S>,
S: Send + Sync,
type Rejection = Response;
// 提取出错时返回 Rejection 类型
async fn from_request(req: Request, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
let body = Bytes::from_request(req, state)
// do validation...
async fn handler(ValidatedBody(body): ValidatedBody) {
// 使用 body 数据
let app = Router::new().route("/foo", get(handler));
通过实现 FromRequestParts 和 FromRequest trait,可以自定义 extractor,但是一个自定义类型只能实现 其中一个 trait
,除非该 extractor 是其它 extractor 的包装器,这是通过对自定义类型的限界来实现的。
use axum::{
extract::{Request, FromRequest, FromRequestParts},
http::{HeaderMap, request::Parts},
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
// an extractor that wraps another and measures how long time it takes to run
struct Timing<E> {
extractor: E,
duration: Duration,
// we must implement both `FromRequestParts`
impl<S, T> FromRequestParts<S> for Timing<T>
S: Send + Sync,
T: FromRequestParts<S>,
type Rejection = T::Rejection;
async fn from_request_parts(parts: &mut Parts, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
let start = Instant::now();
let extractor = T::from_request_parts(parts, state).await?;
let duration = start.elapsed();
Ok(Timing {
// and `FromRequest`
impl<S, T> FromRequest<S> for Timing<T>
S: Send + Sync,
T: FromRequest<S>,
type Rejection = T::Rejection;
async fn from_request(req: Request, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
let start = Instant::now();
let extractor = T::from_request(req, state).await?;
let duration = start.elapsed();
Ok(Timing {
async fn handler(
// this uses the `FromRequestParts` impl
_: Timing<HeaderMap>,
// this uses the `FromRequest` impl
_: Timing<String>,
) {}
extractor 提取请求 body 时,最大为 2MB 限制,可使用 DefaultBodyLimit::max(size) 来自定义:
use axum::{
extract::{Request, DefaultBodyLimit},
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", post(|request: Request| async {}))
// change the default limit
如果要记录 extraction rejection 的 log,需要开启 axum 的 tracing feature(默认开启)和设置环境变量:
axum::extract module 提供了一些常用的 extractor 类型:
- Form
- Request
- HeaderMap
- Extension:可以用于提取 with_state() 传入的 State 类型值。
- ConnectInfo
- Host
- MatchedPath
- MultiPart
- NestedPath
- OriginalUrl
- Path
- Query
- RawForm
- RawPathParams
- RawQuery
- State
JSON:实现了 FromRequest 和 IntoResponse trait,可以作为 Handler 的输入和输出类型:
pub struct Json<T>(pub T);
// Extractor example
use axum::{
use serde::Deserialize;
struct CreateUser {
email: String,
password: String,
async fn create_user(extract::Json(payload): extract::Json<CreateUser>) {
// payload is a `CreateUser`
let app = Router::new().route("/users", post(create_user));
// Response example
use axum::{
use serde::Serialize;
use uuid::Uuid;
struct User {
id: Uuid,
username: String,
async fn get_user(Path(user_id) : Path<Uuid>) -> Json<User> {
let user = find_user(user_id).await;
async fn find_user(user_id: Uuid) -> User {
// ...
let app = Router::new().route("/users/:id", get(get_user));
Form:实现了 FromRequest 和 IntoResponse trait,可以作为 Handler 的输入和输出类型:
pub struct Form<T>(pub T); // 实现了 FromRequest
use axum::Form;
use serde::Deserialize;
struct SignUp {
username: String,
password: String,
async fn accept_form(Form(sign_up): Form<SignUp>) {
// ...
// Response
use axum::Form;
use serde::Serialize;
struct Payload {
value: String,
async fn handler() -> Form<Payload> {
Form(Payload { value: "foo".to_owned() })
Request:Request 返回整个 Request 对象,具有最大化的控制能力:
async fn request(request: Request) {}
HeaderMap:包含所有的 Header
async fn headers(headers: HeaderMap) {}
Extension 从 http request extension 向 Handler 传递 state 的机制。Extension 实现了 FromRequestParts 和 Layer<S> 和 IntoResponse, 所以可以作为 extractor、layer middleware 和响应数据类型;
Extension 的主要使用场景是,开发 layer middleware 时使用 http request extension 来向 handler 传递数据。
async fn extension(Extension(state): Extension<State>) {}
// 作为 extractor:常用于 handers 间的共享 state 传递
use axum::{
use std::sync::Arc;
// Some shared state used throughout our application
struct State {
// ...
async fn handler(state: Extension<Arc<State>>) {
// ...
let state = Arc::new(State { /* ... */ });
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler))
.layer(Extension(state)); // Router 级别,适用于它的所有 Handler
// 作为响应
use axum::{
async fn handler() -> (Extension<Foo>, &'static str) {
"Hello, World!"
struct Foo(&'static str);
// Passing state from middleware to handlers
// State can be passed from middleware to handlers using request extensions:
use axum::{
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
middleware::{self, Next},
extract::{Request, Extension},
struct CurrentUser { /* ... */ }
// middleware::from_fn() 使用的实现中间件逻辑的函数。
async fn auth(mut req: Request, next: Next) -> Result<Response, StatusCode> {
let auth_header = req.headers()
.and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok());
let auth_header = if let Some(auth_header) = auth_header {
} else {
return Err(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED);
if let Some(current_user) = authorize_current_user(auth_header).await {
// insert the current user into a request extension so the handler can extract it
} else {
async fn authorize_current_user(auth_token: &str) -> Option<CurrentUser> {
// ...
async fn handler(
// extract the current user, set by the middleware
Extension(current_user): Extension<CurrentUser>,
) {
// ...
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
ConnectInfo:提取 client 请求信息, 需要和Router.into_make_service_with_connect_info() 连用。通过实现 Connected<IncomingStream<’_>> trait,也可以自定义 ConnectInfo 的值。
use axum::{
extract::connect_info::{ConnectInfo, Connected},
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
async fn handler(
ConnectInfo(my_connect_info): ConnectInfo<MyConnectInfo>,
) -> String {
format!("Hello {my_connect_info:?}")
// 通过实现 Connected<IncomingStream<'_>> trait,也可以自定义 ConnectInfo 的值。
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct MyConnectInfo {
// ...
impl Connected<IncomingStream<'_>> for MyConnectInfo {
fn connect_info(target: IncomingStream<'_>) -> Self {
MyConnectInfo {
// ...
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<MyConnectInfo>()).await.unwrap();
DefaultBodyLimit: Layer
for configuring the default request body limit. 其实并不是 extractor
use axum::{
extract::{Request, DefaultBodyLimit},
let app = Router::new()
// change the default limit
// this route has a different limit
.route("/", post(|request: Request| async {}).layer(DefaultBodyLimit::max(1024)))
// this route still has the default limit
.route("/foo", post(|request: Request| async {}));
Host:Extractor that resolves the hostname of the request. 实现 FromRequestParts
Hostname is resolved through the following, in order: Forwarded header X-Forwarded-Host header Host header request target / URI
MatchedPath: Access the path in the router that matches the request. 返回的 path 为 Router 原始路径字符串。
use {
let app = Router::new().route(
get(|path: MatchedPath| async move {
let path = path.as_str();
// `path` will be "/users/:id"
Multipart: Extractor that parses multipart/form-data requests (commonly used with file uploads). 实现了 FromRequest<S> 消耗 body,所以只能作为 handler 函数最后一个参数且使用一次:
use axum::{
use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
async fn upload(mut multipart: Multipart) {
while let Some(mut field) = multipart.next_field().await.unwrap() {
let name =;
let data = field.bytes().await.unwrap();
println!("Length of `{}` is {} bytes", name, data.len());
let app = Router::new().route("/upload", post(upload));
NestedPath:Access the path the matched the route is nested at. 实现了 FromRequestParts:
use axum::{
let api = Router::new().route(
get(|path: NestedPath| async move {
// `path` will be "/api" because thats what this router is nested at when we build `app`
let path = path.as_str();
let app = Router::new().nest("/api", api);
OriginalUri: Extractor that gets the original request URI regardless of nesting.
use axum::{
let api_routes = Router::new()
get(|uri: Uri, OriginalUri(original_uri): OriginalUri| async {
// `uri` is `/users`
// `original_uri` is `/api/users`
let app = Router::new().nest("/api", api_routes);
Path: Extractor that will get captures from the URL and parse them using serde. 多个路径参数用 tuple 类型来表示。
use axum::{
use uuid::Uuid;
async fn users_teams_show(
Path((user_id, team_id)): Path<(Uuid, Uuid)>,
) {
// ...
let app = Router::new().route("/users/:user_id/team/:team_id", get(users_teams_show));
Query:Extractor that deserializes query strings into some type
. 将请求参数 Deserialize 到一个
struct type。(如果参数是可选的,需要使用 Option 类型)
use axum::{
use serde::Deserialize;
struct Pagination {
page: usize,
per_page: usize,
// This will parse query strings like `?page=2&per_page=30` into `Pagination`
// structs.
async fn list_things(pagination: Query<Pagination>) {
let pagination: Pagination = pagination.0;
// ...
let app = Router::new().route("/list_things", get(list_things));
RawForm: Extractor that extracts raw form requests. 实现了 FromReqeust
use axum::{
async fn handler(RawForm(form): RawForm) {}
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
RawPathParams: Extractor that will get captures from the URL without deserializing them.
pub struct RawPathParams(/* private fields */);
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a RawPathParams
type Item = (&'a str, &'a str)
use axum::{
async fn users_teams_show(params: RawPathParams) {
for (key, value) in ¶ms {
println!("{key:?} = {value:?}");
let app = Router::new().route("/users/:user_id/team/:team_id", get(users_teams_show));
RawQuery:Extractor that extracts the raw query string, without parsing it.
pub struct RawQuery(pub Option<String>);
// Extractor that extracts the raw query string, without parsing it.
// Example
use axum::{
use futures_util::StreamExt;
async fn handler(RawQuery(query): RawQuery) {
// ...
let app = Router::new().route("/users", get(handler));
State:Extractor for state. As state is global within a Router
you can’t directly get a mutable
reference to the state. The most basic solution is to use an Arc<Mutex<_>>
. Which kind of mutex you
need depends on your use case. See the tokio docs for more details.
use axum::{Router, routing::get, extract::State};
// the application state
// here you can put configuration, database connection pools, or whatever
// state you need
// see "When states need to implement `Clone`" for more details on why we need
// `#[derive(Clone)]` here.
struct AppState {}
let state = AppState {};
// create a `Router` that holds our state
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
// provide the state so the router can access it
async fn handler(
// access the state via the `State` extractor
// extracting a state of the wrong type results in a compile error
State(state): State<AppState>,
) {
// use `state`...
substate:State only allows a single state type but you can use FromRef
to extract “substates”:
use axum::{Router, routing::get, extract::{State, FromRef}};
// the application state
struct AppState {
// that holds some api specific state
api_state: ApiState,
// the api specific state
struct ApiState {}
// support converting an `AppState` in an `ApiState`
impl FromRef<AppState> for ApiState {
fn from_ref(app_state: &AppState) -> ApiState {
let state = AppState {
api_state: ApiState {},
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
.route("/api/users", get(api_users))
.with_state(state); // 传入的是 AppState
async fn api_users(
// access the api specific state
State(api_state): State<ApiState>, // 使用 FromRef 来自动转换为 substate
) {
async fn handler(
// we can still access to top level state
State(state): State<AppState>,
) {
WebSocketUpgrade:Extractor for establishing WebSocket connections
. 实现了 FromRequestParts:
use axum::{
extract::ws::{WebSocketUpgrade, WebSocket},
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
let app = Router::new().route("/ws", get(handler));
async fn handler(ws: WebSocketUpgrade) -> Response {
ws.protocols(["graphql-ws", "graphql-transport-ws"])
.on_upgrade(|socket| async {
// ...
use axum::{
extract::ws::{WebSocketUpgrade, WebSocket},
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
let app = Router::new().route("/ws", get(handler));
async fn handler(ws: WebSocketUpgrade) -> Response {
async fn handle_socket(mut socket: WebSocket) {
while let Some(msg) = socket.recv().await {
let msg = if let Ok(msg) = msg {
} else {
// client disconnected
if socket.send(msg).await.is_err() {
// client disconnected
// If you need to read and write concurrently from a WebSocket you can use StreamExt::split:
use axum::{Error, extract::ws::{WebSocket, Message}};
use futures_util::{sink::SinkExt, stream::{StreamExt, SplitSink, SplitStream}};
async fn handle_socket(mut socket: WebSocket) {
let (mut sender, mut receiver) = socket.split();
async fn read(receiver: SplitStream<WebSocket>) {
// ...
async fn write(sender: SplitSink<WebSocket, Message>) {
// ...
9 state #
通过 State,可以在 Handler 间共享一些全局状态,如数据库连接池对象或其它 Client 等。
三种共享 State 的方式:
- 使用 State extractor;
- 使用 Request extensions;
- 使用闭包捕获机制;
State 的限界是 Clone + Send + Sync + ‘static, 要获得所有权和支持多线程环境,所以一般使用 Arc 包裹的支持内部可变性的对象类型。
impl<S> Router<S>
S: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
Router<S> 中的 S 含义:
pub struct Router<S = ()> { /* private fields */ }
// Router<S> 的方法, S 需要满足 Clone + Send + Sync + 'static
impl<S> Router<S> where S: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static
// with_state<S2> 是泛型方法,如果未显式指定 S2 类型,则 Rust 根据上下文自动推断,
// 例如,后续调用该 Router 的 into_make_service() 方法时,S2 自动推断为 ();
pub fn with_state<S2>(self, state: S) -> Router<S2>
// Router 等效于 Router<S=()>,下面两个方法只在 Router<()> 类型上定义
impl Router
pub fn into_make_service(self) -> IntoMakeService<Self>
pub fn into_make_service_with_connect_info<C>(self) -> IntoMakeServiceWithConnectInfo<Self, C>
9.1 State Extractor #
可以在 Router、MethodRouter 和 Handler 三个层次上,通过 with_state()
方法添加 State 值。
// Router:
// pub fn with_state<S2>(self, state: S) -> Router<S2>
use axum::{
use std::sync::Arc;
struct AppState {
// ...
let shared_state = Arc::new(AppState { /* ... */ });
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
async fn handler(
State(state): State<Arc<AppState>>,
) {
// ...
当从函数返回 Router 时,一般建议不直接在函数内设置 State,而是分两步:
- 定义函数返回 Router<S> 类型;
- 调用该函数返回对象的 with_state() 方法;
use axum::{Router, routing::get, extract::State};
struct AppState {}
// Don't call `Router::with_state` here
fn routes() -> Router<AppState> {
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}))
// Instead do it before you run the server
let routes = routes().with_state(AppState {});
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, routes).await.unwrap();
如果确实需要在返回 Router 的函数内设置 State,则返回的 State 不要加泛型参数
,即返回类型是 Router<()>;
// Don't return `Router<AppState>`
fn routes(state: AppState) -> Router {
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}))
let routes = routes(AppState {});
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, routes).await.unwrap();
这是由于 Router::into_make_service() 只在 Router<()> 类型上实现,而不是 Router<AppState>。
- Router state 缺省类型为 (), 所以 Router 等效于 Router<()>。
如果函数返回的 Router 在 nest() 方法中使用,则函数返回的 Router 需要使用 无限界的泛型参数
,后续由编译器自动推断(如在 axum::serve() 中使用时,自动推断为 () 类型):
- 如果不加泛型参数 S, 则表示返回的是 Router<()> 类型,与实际不符。
fn routes<S>(state: AppState) -> Router<S> {
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}))
let routes = Router::new().nest("/api", routes(AppState {}));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, routes).await.unwrap();
// A router that _needs_ an `AppState` to handle requests
let router: Router<AppState> = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}));
// Once we call `Router::with_state` the router isn't missing the state anymore, because we just
// provided it
// Therefore the router type becomes `Router<()>`, i.e a router that is not missing any state
let router: Router<()> = router.with_state(AppState {});
// Only `Router<()>` has the `into_make_service` method.
// You cannot call `into_make_service` on a `Router<AppState>` because it is still missing an
// `AppState`.
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();
Router::with_state<S2>::() -> Router<S2> 并不总是返回 Router<()>
Router<S2> 对 S2 的推断。例如如果对返回的对象调用 into_make_service() 方法,由于该方法是在
Router<()> 上实现的,所以 S2 推断为 ():
let router: Router<AppState> = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}));
// When we call `with_state` we're able to pick what the next missing state type is.
// Here we pick `String`.
let string_router: Router<String> = router.with_state(AppState {});
// That allows us to add new routes that uses `String` as the state type
let string_router = string_router
.route("/needs-string", get(|_: State<String>| async {}));
// Provide the `String` and choose `()` as the new missing state.
let final_router: Router<()> = string_router.with_state("foo".to_owned());
// Since we have a `Router<()>` we can run it.
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, final_router).await.unwrap();
下面的例子报错,是因为 Router<AppState> 没有提供 Router::into_make_service() 方法:
// This wont work because we're returning a `Router<AppState>` i.e. we're saying we're still missing
// an `AppState`
fn routes(state: AppState) -> Router<AppState> {
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}))
let app = routes(AppState {});
// We can only call `Router::into_make_service` on a `Router<()>` but `app` is a `Router<AppState>`
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();
解决办法:返回 Router<()> 类型:
// We've provided all the state necessary so return `Router<()>`
fn routes(state: AppState) -> Router<()> {
.route("/", get(|_: State<AppState>| async {}))
let app = routes(AppState {});
// We can now call `Router::into_make_service`
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();
性能优化:如果需要一个实现 Service 的 Router,但是不需要任何 State,也建议调用 .with_state(()) 方法,这样可以让 axum 更新内部状态,减少分配内存,从而提升性能:
use axum::{Router, routing::get};
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
// even though we don't need any state, call `with_state(())` anyway
**Ouest Extensions
Router 层次添加的 State 可以被所有该 Router 的 所有请求使用
。如果要 根据 Request 来生成特定请求相关的
State,例如从中间件生成的认证授权数据,则需要使用 Extension。 Extension(state) 实现了 Layer 和
Extension 从 http request extension 向 Handler 传递 state 的机制。Extension 实现了 FromRequestParts 和 Layer<S> 和 IntoResponse, 所以可以作为 extractor、layer middleware 和响应数据类型;
Extension 的主要使用场景是,开发 layer middleware 时使用 http request extension 来向 handler 传递数据。
async fn extension(Extension(state): Extension<State>) {}
// 作为 extractor:常用于 handers 间的共享 state 传递
use axum::{
use std::sync::Arc;
// Some shared state used throughout our application
struct State {
// ...
async fn handler(state: Extension<Arc<State>>) {
// ...
let state = Arc::new(State { /* ... */ });
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler))
.layer(Extension(state)); // Router 级别,适用于它的所有 Handler
// 作为响应
use axum::{
async fn handler() -> (Extension<Foo>, &'static str) {
"Hello, World!"
struct Foo(&'static str);
// Passing state from middleware to handlers
// State can be passed from middleware to handlers using request extensions:
use axum::{
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
middleware::{self, Next},
extract::{Request, Extension},
struct CurrentUser { /* ... */ }
// middleware::from_fn() 使用的实现中间件逻辑的函数。
async fn auth(mut req: Request, next: Next) -> Result<Response, StatusCode> {
let auth_header = req.headers()
.and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok());
let auth_header = if let Some(auth_header) = auth_header {
} else {
return Err(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED);
if let Some(current_user) = authorize_current_user(auth_header).await {
// insert the current user into a request extension so the handler can extract it
} else {
async fn authorize_current_user(auth_token: &str) -> Option<CurrentUser> {
// ...
async fn handler(
// extract the current user, set by the middleware
Extension(current_user): Extension<CurrentUser>,
) {
// ...
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
9.2 closure captures #
State 也可以直接被 Handler 闭包捕获:
use axum::{
extract::{Extension, Path},
routing::{get, post},
use std::sync::Arc;
use serde::Deserialize;
struct AppState {
// ...
let shared_state = Arc::new(AppState { /* ... */ });
let app = Router::new()
let shared_state = Arc::clone(&shared_state);
move |body| create_user(body, shared_state)
let shared_state = Arc::clone(&shared_state);
move |path| get_user(path, shared_state)
async fn get_user(Path(user_id): Path<String>, state: Arc<AppState>) {
// ...
async fn create_user(Json(payload): Json<CreateUserPayload>, state: Arc<AppState>) {
// ...
struct CreateUserPayload {
// ...
10 middleware #
可以在 Router、MethodRouter 和 Handler 三个层次上,通过 layer()/route_layer() 方法添加 Layer 中间件:
- 整个 routers:Router::layer() 和 Router::route_layer()
- 单个 method router:MethodRouter::layer() 和 MethodRouter::route_layer();
- 单个 handler:Handler::layer()
impl<S> Router<S>
S: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
pub fn layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Router<S>
L: Layer<Route> + Clone + Send + 'static,
L::Service: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<Infallible> + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static,
pub fn route_layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Self
L: Layer<Route> + Clone + Send + 'static,
L::Service: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<Infallible> + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static,
route_layer() 和 layer() 差异:前者只在 router 匹配时才执行 layer 逻辑,而后者无论如何都执行layer 逻辑。
pub trait Layer<S> {
type Service;
// S 为传入的 Service
fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service;
// Router 实现的 Layer trait:
pub fn layer<L>(self, layer: L) -> Router<S>
L: Layer<Route> + Clone + Send + 'static,
L::Service: Service<Request> + Clone + Send + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Response: IntoResponse + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Error: Into<Infallible> + 'static,
<L::Service as Service<Request>>::Future: Send + 'static
// 其中 Route 实现了 Service
// Request 是 Struct http::request::Request
impl<B, E> Service<Request<B>> for Route<E>
// B 是 Trait http_body::Body,其中 Data 是 bytes::Bytes
B: HttpBody<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static,
B::Error: Into<BoxError>
// Responses given by the service. Struct http::response::Response 类型
type Response = Response<Body>
type Error = E
type Future = RouteFuture<E>
可以直接复用tower_http crate 中预定义的 Layer, 如:
:用于 tracing/logging;CorsLayer
:用于处理 CORS;CompressionLayer
:用于设置和传播 request ids;TimeoutLayer
// 示例
use axum::{
use tower_http::validate_request::ValidateRequestHeaderLayer;
let app = Router::new().route(
get(|| async {})
使用 Router.layer() 添加的 Layer, 按相反的顺序被依次调用,最后才调用 handler, 所以可以在 layer() 中提取拒绝请求:
use axum::{routing::get, Router};
async fn handler() {}
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
.layer(layer_three); // 最先被调用执行
// 用 layer() 添加的 layer 按相反的顺序被一次调用,最后调用 handler
+----- layer_three -----+
| +---- layer_two ----+ |
| | +-- layer_one --+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | handler | | |
| | | | | |
| | +-- layer_one --+ | |
| +---- layer_two ----+ |
+----- layer_three -----+
但是使用 tower::ServiceBuilder
的 layer() 添加的中间件,按照 添加的顺序来执行
- 建议使用 ServiceBuilder 来创建含多个 Layer 的 Layer:
use tower::ServiceBuilder;
use axum::{routing::get, Router};
async fn handler() {}
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
创建自定义 Layer middleware 的 4 种方式:
: 使用闭包创建axum::middleware::from_extractor
- tower’s combinators,例如:
- ServiceBuilder::map_request
- ServiceBuilder::map_response
- ServiceBuilder::then
- ServiceBuilder::and_then
tower::Service and Pin<Box<dyn Future>>
使用 axum::middleware::from_fn()/from_fn_with_state()
创建 Layer, 对于传入的闭包 f 有如下要求:
- 是 async fn 闭包;
- 传入 0 个或多个 FromRequestParts extractors.
- 只能传入一个 FromRequest extractor 作为倒数第二个参数;
- 使用 Next 作为最后一个参数;
- 返回值需要实现 IntoResponse;
pub fn from_fn<F, T>(f: F) -> FromFnLayer<F, (), T>
use axum::{
middleware::{self, Next},
async fn my_middleware(request: Request, next: Next,) -> Response {
// do something with `request`...
let response =;
// do something with `response`...
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
如果要 middleware 要使用 State,则使用 axum::middleware::from_fn_with_state() 来创建:
pub fn from_fn_with_state<F, S, T>(state: S, f: F) -> FromFnLayer<F, S, T>
use axum::{
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
middleware::{self, Next},
extract::{Request, State},
struct AppState { /* ... */ }
async fn my_middleware(
State(state): State<AppState>,
// you can add more extractors here but the last extractor must implement `FromRequest` which
// `Request` does
request: Request,
next: Next,
) -> Response {
// do something with `request`...
let response =;
// do something with `response`...
let state = AppState { /* ... */ };
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
.route_layer(middleware::from_fn_with_state(state.clone(), my_middleware))
使用 axum::middleware::from_extractor()/from_extractor_with_state()
函数来从一个 extractor type 创建
- 如果 extractor 执行成功则继续处理, 否则出错返回。一般用于 validate 请求,可以复用已有的 extractor type 类型;
- 如果消耗 body, 则后续的 Router Service 在处理时获得的是空 body;
pub fn from_extractor<E>() -> FromExtractorLayer<E, ()>
use axum::{
routing::{get, post},
http::{header, StatusCode, request::Parts},
use async_trait::async_trait;
// An extractor that performs authorization.
struct RequireAuth;
impl<S> FromRequestParts<S> for RequireAuth where S: Send + Sync,
type Rejection = StatusCode;
async fn from_request_parts(parts: &mut Parts, state: &S) -> Result<Self, Self::Rejection> {
let auth_header = parts
.and_then(|value| value.to_str().ok());
match auth_header {
Some(auth_header) if token_is_valid(auth_header) => {
_ => Err(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED),
fn token_is_valid(token: &str) -> bool {}
async fn handler() {}
async fn other_handler() {}
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
.route("/foo", post(other_handler))
// The extractor will run before all routes
使用 tower 提供的一些工具函数来创建 Layer, 它们一般用来做简单的 request 或 response 转换:
- map_request()
- map_request_with_state()
- map_response()
- map_response_with_state()
map_request() : 传入函数可以返回 Result,当为 Err 时会提前拒绝请求:
- Request<B>
- Result<Request<B>, E> where E: IntoResponse
use axum::{
http::{Request, StatusCode},
async fn set_header<B>(mut request: Request<B>) -> Request<B> {
request.headers_mut().insert("x-foo", "foo".parse().unwrap());
async fn handler<B>(request: Request<B>) {
// `request` will have an `x-foo` header
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
async fn auth<B>(request: Request<B>) -> Result<Request<B>, StatusCode> {
let auth_header = request.headers()
.and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok());
match auth_header {
Some(auth_header) if token_is_valid(auth_header) => Ok(request),
_ => Err(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED),
fn token_is_valid(token: &str) -> bool {
// ...
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
map_request() 的函数的输入除了 Request 外,还可以包含其它 extractor:
use axum::{
use std::collections::HashMap;
async fn log_path_params<B>(
Path(path_params): Path<HashMap<String, String>>,
request: Request<B>,
) -> Request<B> {
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
use axum::{
http::{Request, StatusCode},
struct AppState { /* ... */ }
async fn my_middleware<B>(
State(state): State<AppState>,
// you can add more extractors here but the last extractor must implement `FromRequest` which
// `Request` does
request: Request<B>,
) -> Request<B> {
// do something with `state` and `request`...
let state = AppState { /* ... */ };
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
.route_layer(map_request_with_state(state.clone(), my_middleware))
use axum::{
async fn set_header<B>(mut response: Response<B>) -> Response<B> {
response.headers_mut().insert("x-foo", "foo".parse().unwrap());
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
// 和 map_request() 类似,异步函数中可以使用 extractor
use axum::{
use std::collections::HashMap;
async fn log_path_params<B>(
Path(path_params): Path<HashMap<String, String>>,
response: Response<B>,
) -> Response<B> {
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
// 可以返回任何实现 impl IntoResponse 的对象
use axum::{
response::{Response, IntoResponse},
use std::collections::HashMap;
async fn set_header(response: Response) -> impl IntoResponse {
[("x-foo", "foo")],
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
使用 tower::Service 和 Pin<Box<dyn Future>> 实现 Layer 和 Service,具有最大的灵活性:
use axum::{
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use tower::{Service, Layer};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
// 定义 Layer 时,一般还要为 Layer 定义一个关联的 Service
struct MyLayer;
impl<S> Layer<S> for MyLayer {
type Service = MyMiddleware<S>; // 关联的 Service 类型
fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {
MyMiddleware { inner }
struct MyMiddleware<S> {
inner: S,
// Service 的 request 必须是 http::request::Request 类型,response 必须是 http::response::Response
// , 才能满足 Routing.layer() 的要求。
impl<S> Service<Request> for MyMiddleware<S>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response> + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
type Response = S::Response;
type Error = S::Error;
// `BoxFuture` is a type alias for `Pin<Box<dyn Future + Send + 'a>>`
type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, request: Request) -> Self::Future {
let future =;
Box::pin(async move {
let response: Response = future.await?;
11 error_handling #
对于 Result<T, E> 类型,如果 T/E 都实现 IntoResponse 时,则该 Result 也实现 IntoResponse:
// Result 也实现了 IntoResponse, Ok 和 Err 都要实现 IntoResponse
impl<T, E> IntoResponse for Result<T, E> where T: IntoResponse, E: IntoResponse
// axum::response::ErrorResponse 实现了 From<IntoResponse>, 可以从 IntoResponse 转换为自身的类型
impl<T> IntoResponse for Result<T, ErrorResponse> where T: IntoResponse
impl<T, U> IntoResponse for Chain<T, U> where
T: Buf + Unpin + Send + 'static,
U: Buf + Unpin + Send + 'static,
例如 axum::http::StatusCode
实现了 IntoResponse trait,故可以使用它作为 Result 的返回值:
use axum::http::StatusCode;
async fn handler() -> Result<String, StatusCode> {
// ...
如果要返回出错信息,需要自定义 Error type 并实现 IntoResponse;
//! Run with
//! ```not_rust
//! cargo run -p example-anyhow-error-response
//! ```
use axum::{
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
async fn main() {
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("") .await .unwrap();
println!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap());
axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();
// Handler 返回的 Result 会被 IntoResponse 转换为 Response 返回给 client
async fn handler() -> Result<(), AppError> {
fn try_thing() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
anyhow::bail!("it failed!")
// Make our own error that wraps `anyhow::Error`.
struct AppError(anyhow::Error);
// Tell axum how to convert `AppError` into a response.
impl IntoResponse for AppError {
fn into_response(self) -> Response {
// axum 为 (StatusCode, String) 实现了 IntoRespose
format!("Something went wrong: {}", self.0),
// This enables using `?` on functions that return `Result<_, anyhow::Error>` to turn them into
// `Result<_, AppError>`. That way you don't need to do that manually.
impl<E> From<E> for AppError
E: Into<anyhow::Error>,
fn from(err: E) -> Self {
axum 在使用 Service 时,要求 Service 关联的 Error 类型为 Infallible,即不可能发生错误。例如,
Router.route_service() 使用 Service 作为请求的 Handler,该 Service 的约束是 Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static
// 例如:struct Router 的 route_service() 方法的 service 约束:
pub fn route_service<T>(self, path: &str, service: T) -> Self
// Error 是 Infallible 类型,即不可能返回错误
T: Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send + 'static,
// Response 必须实现 IntoRsponse
T::Response: IntoResponse,
T::Future: Send + 'static,
// 示例:
use axum::{
routing::{any_service, get_service},
use tower_http::services::ServeFile;
use http::Response;
use std::{convert::Infallible, io};
use tower::service_fn;
let app = Router::new()
// service_fn() 从闭包函数创建一个 Service,要求闭包函数的输入为 Request,输出为 Result。
// 为了满足 any_service 的要求,Result 的 Error 必须为 Infallible .
any_service(service_fn(|_: Request| async {
let res = Response::new(Body::from("Hi from `GET /`"));
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
service_fn(|req: Request| async move {
let body = Body::from(format!("Hi from `{} /foo`", req.method()));
let res = Response::new(body);
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
而一般通过 tower::service_fn(fn)
创建的 Service 约束是 FnMut(Request) -> Future<Output = Result<R, E>>
,所以可能包含具体的 Error 类型, 两者不匹配
为了能在 Router.route_service() 中使用 tower::service_fn(fn)
创建的返回 Result<R, E> 的 Service,
axum 提供了 axum::error_handling::HandleError
来将它们转换为 Response。
HandleError 用于将一个返回 Result Error 的 Service 转换为 Service<Request, Error=Infallible>
,它是通过传入一个闭包来将 Result Err 转换为 IntoResponse:
use axum::{
http::{Request, Response, StatusCode},
async fn thing_that_might_fail() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
// ...
// 使用 service_fn 将异步函数转换为实现 Service 的 ServiceFn 对象, 而 ServiceFn 在实现 Service 时对
// 于 fn 的定义是 FnMut(Request) -> Future<Output = Result<R, E>>,所以 fn 可以返回包含 Error 的
// Result
let some_fallible_service = tower::service_fn(|_req| async {
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(Response::new(Body::empty()))
// route_service() 输入的 Service 的约束是:Service<Request, Error = Infallible> + Clone + Send +
// 'static, 这里的 Error = Infallible,与 tower::service_fn() 返回的 Error = xxx 不匹配,所以需要
// HandleError::new() 来进行转换。
let app = Router::new().route_service(
HandleError::new(some_fallible_service, handle_anyhow_error),
// 将 err 转换为实现 IntoResponse 对象的类型
async fn handle_anyhow_error(err: anyhow::Error) -> (StatusCode, String) {
format!("Something went wrong: {err}"),
HandleError<S, F, T> 是泛型类型: F 闭包的参数是可变的,但最后一个必须是 Error 类型,其它前面的参数类型需要实现 FromRequestParts<()> + Send, 所以 F 闭包的参数还可以有 Extractor
pub struct HandleError<S, F, T> { /* private fields */ }
impl<S, F, T> HandleError<S, F, T>
pub fn new(inner: S, f: F) -> Self
impl<S, F, B, Fut, Res> Service<Request<B>> for HandleError<S, F, ()>
S: Service<Request<B>> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Response: IntoResponse + Send,
S::Error: Send,
S::Future: Send,
F: FnOnce(S::Error) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
Res: IntoResponse,
B: Send + 'static,
impl<S, F, B, Res, Fut, T1> Service<Request<B>> for HandleError<S, F, (T1,)>
S: Service<Request<B>> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Response: IntoResponse + Send,
S::Error: Send,
S::Future: Send,
F: FnOnce(T1, S::Error) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
Res: IntoResponse,
T1: FromRequestParts<()> + Send,
B: Send + 'static
// 示例
use axum::{
http::{StatusCode, Method, Uri},
use std::time::Duration;
use tower::ServiceBuilder;
pub type BoxError = Box<dyn Error + Sync + Send>;
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async {}))
// `timeout` will produce an error if the handler takes too long so we must handle those
// 除了最后一个参数是 BoxError 外,前面的其它参数类型是 Extractor
async fn handle_timeout_error(
method: Method,
uri: Uri,
err: BoxError,
) -> (StatusCode, String) {
format!("`{method} {uri}` failed with {err}"),
对于 layer middleware,也存在和 Service 类似的情况, axum::error_handling::HandleErrorLayer
提供了能处理 middleware Error 的转换能力。 HandleErrorLayer
实现了 Layer<S> 和 Service, 它内部使用
HandlerError 来将传入的返回 Error 的 Service 转换为 axum 使用的 Service<Request, Error = Infallible>
- new(f) 输入是闭包函数 FnOnce($($ty),*, S::Error) -> Fut + Clone + Send + ‘static, 输入是 0 或多个extractor + 最后一个 Error, 返回一个 IntoResponse 对象。
pub struct HandleErrorLayer<F, T> { /* private fields */ }
impl<F, T> HandleErrorLayer<F, T>
// f 闭包函数的输入是 Error,返回一个 IntoResponse 对象
pub fn new(f: F) -> Self
impl<S, F, T> Layer<S> for HandleErrorLayer<F, T>
F: Clone,
type Service = HandleError<S, F, T>;
fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {
// self.f 传给 HandlerError::new(), 所以需要满足它对 F 的要求
HandleError::new(inner, self.f.clone())
impl<S, F, B, Fut, Res> Service<Request<B>> for HandleError<S, F, ()>
S: Service<Request<B>> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Response: IntoResponse + Send,
S::Error: Send,
S::Future: Send,
F: FnOnce(S::Error) -> Fut + Clone + Send + 'static,
Fut: Future<Output = Res> + Send,
Res: IntoResponse,
B: Send + 'static,
// 示例:
use axum::{
use std::time::Duration;
use tower::ServiceBuilder;
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async {}))
// `timeout` will produce an error if the handler takes too long so we must handle
// those new 传入的闭包函数的输入是 Error, 返回一个 IntoResponse 对象
.layer(HandleErrorLayer::new(handle_timeout_error)) // 将 Err 转换为 IntoResponse
.timeout(Duration::from_secs(30)) // 可能返回 Err 的 layer //
handler .layer(TimeoutLayer::new(Duration::from_secs(10)))
// 闭包函数的输入是 Error, 返回一个 IntoResponse 对象
async fn handle_timeout_error(err: BoxError) -> (StatusCode, String) {
if<tower::timeout::error::Elapsed>() {
"Request took too long".to_string(),
} else {
format!("Unhandled internal error: {err}"),
12 参考 #
- Rust Axum Full Course
:EXPORT_HUGO_LOCALE: zh :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :series ‘(“rust crate”) :series_order 11 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :summary reqwest 是在 hyper 基础上实现的高层 HTTP Client 库,支持异步和同步。 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :showSummary truereqwest 是在 hyper 基础上实现的高层 HTTP client 库,支持异步和同步接口。
发送一个 GET 请求,每次请求都创建临时的 Client,效率不高。
// 一次性异步 GET 请求
pub async fn get<T: IntoUrl>(url: T) -> Result<Response>
let body = reqwest::get("")
.text() // Response 的 text() 方法
println!("body = {body:?}");
建议:创建可复用的 Client 来发送请求,它内部维护 keepalive 连接池。
// 可以复用的 client
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
// Post text body
let res ="")
.body("the exact body that is sent")
// Post 表单,可以是 tuple array,或 HashMap 或实现 Serialize 的自定义类型。
let params = [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "quux")];
let res ="")
// Post JSON body, 任何可以被 serialized 为 JSON 的类型值均可。
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("lang", "rust");
map.insert("body", "json");
let res ="")
reqwest 默认支持重定向(最多 10 hops),可以通过 ClientBuilder 的 redirect::Policy 来控制。
let custom = redirect::Policy::custom(|attempt| {
if attempt.previous().len() > 5 {
attempt.error("too many redirects")
} else if attempt.url().host_str() == Some("example.domain") {
// prevent redirects to 'example.domain'
} else {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
reqwest 默认支持 HTTP/HTTPS 代理,支持代理环境变量,可以通过 ClientBuilder 的 Proxy 来控制。
- 如果使用的是 SOCKS5 代理,还需要
手动开启 socks feature
reqwest 默认支持 TLS,可以添加自定义的 Server/Client 证书。
- 默认开启 default-tls feature,当前对应的是 native-tls;
- 支持的 TLS backend:
- native-tls:
- SChannel on Windows (via the schannel crate)
- Secure Transport on macOS (via the security-framework crate)
- OpenSSL (via the openssl crate) on all other platforms.
- rustls-tls:使用 rustls create;
- native-tls:
// reqwest::Certificate 代表自定义 Server CA 证书,后续可以使用 ClientBuilder::add_root_certificate() 添加。
let mut buf = Vec::new();
.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
let cert = reqwest::Certificate::from_der(&buf)?;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
let cert = reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(&buf)?;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
let certs = reqwest::Certificate::from_pem_bundle(&buf)?;
// reqwest::Identify 代表 client 证书
let mut buf = Vec::new();
.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
let pkcs12 = reqwest::Identity::from_pkcs12_der(&buf, "my-privkey-password")?;
// Parses a chain of PEM encoded X509 certificates, with the leaf certificate first. key is a PEM
// encoded PKCS #8 formatted private key for the leaf certificate.
let cert = fs::read("client.pem")?;
let key = fs::read("key.pem")?;
let pkcs8 = reqwest::Identity::from_pkcs8_pem(&cert, &key)?;
// Parses PEM encoded private key and certificate.
let mut buf = Vec::new();
.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
let id = reqwest::Identity::from_pem(&buf)?;
reqwest 默认不启用 cookie store,但是提供了简易的实现类型 Jar:
use reqwest::{cookie::Jar, Url};
let cookie = "foo=bar; Domain=yolo.local";
let url = "https://yolo.local".parse::<Url>().unwrap();
let jar = Jar::default();
jar.add_cookie_str(cookie, &url);
// and now add to a `ClientBuilder`?
13 Url #
Url 用于在构建 Reqeust 时使用。
- reqwest 没有使用 http crate 中的 Uri module,而是自定义实现。
pub struct Url { /* private fields */ }
impl Url
// 解析 URL 字符串(自动 URL 编码)
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Url, ParseError>
let url = Url::parse("")?;
// 解析 URL 字符串+表单参数(自动 URL 编码)
pub fn parse_with_params<I, K, V>( input: &str, iter: I ) -> Result<Url, ParseError>
where I: IntoIterator, <I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>, K: AsRef<str>, V: AsRef<str>,
let url = Url::parse_with_params("", &[("lang", "rust"), ("browser", "servo")])?;
assert_eq!("", url.as_str());
// 添加一级 URL Path
pub fn join(&self, input: &str) -> Result<Url, ParseError>
let base = Url::parse("")?;
let url = base.join("c.png")?;
assert_eq!(url.as_str(), ""); // Not /a/b.html/c.png
let base = Url::parse("")?;
let url = base.join("c.png")?;
assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "");
pub fn make_relative(&self, url: &Url) -> Option<String>
let base = Url::parse("")?;
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let relative = base.make_relative(&url);
assert_eq!(relative.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()), Some("../d/c.png"));
pub fn options<'a>() -> ParseOptions<'a>
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str
pub fn into_string(self) -> String
pub fn origin(&self) -> Origin
pub fn scheme(&self) -> &str
let url = Url::parse("file:///tmp/foo")?;
assert_eq!(url.scheme(), "file");
pub fn is_special(&self) -> bool
pub fn has_authority(&self) -> bool
let url = Url::parse("ftp://[email protected]")?;
pub fn authority(&self) -> &str
let url = Url::parse("file:///tmp/foo")?;
assert_eq!(url.authority(), "");
let url = Url::parse("https://user:[email protected]/tmp/foo")?;
assert_eq!(url.authority(), "user:[email protected]");
pub fn cannot_be_a_base(&self) -> bool
pub fn username(&self) -> &str
let url = Url::parse("ftp://[email protected]")?;
assert_eq!(url.username(), "rms");
pub fn password(&self) -> Option<&str>
let url = Url::parse("ftp://:[email protected]")?;
assert_eq!(url.password(), Some("secret123"));
pub fn has_host(&self) -> bool
pub fn host_str(&self) -> Option<&str>
pub fn host(&self) -> Option<Host<&str>>
pub fn domain(&self) -> Option<&str>
pub fn port(&self) -> Option<u16>
pub fn port_or_known_default(&self) -> Option<u16>
pub fn socket_addrs( &self, default_port_number: impl Fn() -> Option<u16> ) -> Result<Vec<SocketAddr>, Error>
pub fn path(&self) -> &str
let url = Url::parse("ệt nam")?;
assert_eq!(url.path(), "/countries/vi%E1%BB%87t%20nam");
pub fn path_segments(&self) -> Option<Split<'_, char>>
// 返回编码后的查询字符串值
pub fn query(&self) -> Option<&str>
fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
let url = Url::parse("")?;
let query = url.query();
assert_eq!(query, Some("page=2"));
let url = Url::parse("ñol")?;
let query = url.query();
assert_eq!(query, Some("country=espa%C3%B1ol"));
pub fn query_pairs(&self) -> Parse<'_>
pub fn fragment(&self) -> Option<&str>
let url = Url::parse("")?;
assert_eq!(url.fragment(), Some("row=4"));
pub fn set_fragment(&mut self, fragment: Option<&str>)
pub fn set_query(&mut self, query: Option<&str>)
let mut url = Url::parse("")?;
assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "");
assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "");
assert_eq!(url.query(), Some("page=2"));
pub fn query_pairs_mut(&mut self) -> Serializer<'_, UrlQuery<'_>>
pub fn set_path(&mut self, path: &str)
let mut url = Url::parse("")?;
assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "");
assert_eq!(url.path(), "/data/report.csv");
pub fn path_segments_mut(&mut self) -> Result<PathSegmentsMut<'_>, ()>
pub fn set_port(&mut self, port: Option<u16>) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn set_host(&mut self, host: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), ParseError>
pub fn set_ip_host(&mut self, address: IpAddr) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn set_password(&mut self, password: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn set_username(&mut self, username: &str) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn set_scheme(&mut self, scheme: &str) -> Result<(), ()>
pub fn from_file_path<P>(path: P) -> Result<Url, ()> where P: AsRef<Path>,
pub fn from_directory_path<P>(path: P) -> Result<Url, ()> where P: AsRef<Path>,
pub fn to_file_path(&self) -> Result<PathBuf, ()>
Url::parse()/parse_with_params() 均会对 URL 和 params 字符串进行 URL 编码:
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
use reqwest::Url;
let url = Url::parse_with_params(
" %中&dont=clobberme#% 中",
&[("lang", "rust"), ("&browser", "servo se#"), ("%asdfa asdf", "a中文c")],
println!("url: {}", url);
// zj@a:~/.emacs.d/rust-playground/at-2024-06-05-202535$ cargo run
// Compiling foo v0.1.0 (/Users/alizj/.emacs.d/rust-playground/at-2024-06-05-202535)
// Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.28s
// Running `target/debug/foo`
// url:
axum 自定义了 Request/Response 类型,且实现了到 http crate 的 Request 和 Response 的 TryFrom 转换。。
axum 也自定义了 Body 类型,且实现了 http::Body trait。
Request 是可以被 Client::execute() 发送的请求:
pub struct Request { /* private fields */ }
// 创建 Request
pub fn new(method: Method, url: Url) -> Self
pub fn method(&self) -> &Method
pub fn method_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Method
pub fn url(&self) -> &Url
pub fn url_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Url
pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap
pub fn headers_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HeaderMap
// 返回的是 reqwest::Body struct 类型
pub fn body(&self) -> Option<&Body>
pub fn body_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Body>
pub fn timeout(&self) -> Option<&Duration>
pub fn timeout_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Duration>
pub fn version(&self) -> Version
pub fn version_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Version
pub fn try_clone(&self) -> Option<Request>
// HttpRequest 是 http::Request 类型,Body 是 reqwest::Body 类型。
// 提供了 reqwest::Request 和 http::Request 类型相互转换的 TryFrom trait。
impl<T> TryFrom<HttpRequest<T>> for Request where T: Into<Body>
impl TryFrom<Request> for HttpRequest<Body>
RequestBuilder 用来构造 Request:
- build() 返回构造的 Request;
- send() 构造并发送
异步 Request
,返回 Response。需要事先调用 from_parts() 来设置 Client。
pub struct RequestBuilder { /* private fields */ }
// RequestBuilder 实现的方法
pub fn from_parts(client: Client, request: Request) -> RequestBuilder
// 为请求添加一个 header
pub fn header<K, V>(self, key: K, value: V) -> RequestBuilder
HeaderName: TryFrom<K>,
<HeaderName as TryFrom<K>>::Error: Into<Error>,
HeaderValue: TryFrom<V>,
<HeaderValue as TryFrom<V>>::Error: Into<Error>
// 将传入的 headers merge 到 Request 中
pub fn headers(self, headers: HeaderMap) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置认证
pub fn basic_auth<U, P>( self, username: U, password: Option<P> ) -> RequestBuilder where U: Display, P: Display
pub fn bearer_auth<T>(self, token: T) -> RequestBuilder where T: Display
// 设置请求 body
pub fn body<T: Into<Body>>(self, body: T) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置 Request timeout,从开始建立连接到响应 Body 结束。
// 只影响这一次请求,重载 ClientBuilder::timeout() 中定义的超时。
pub fn timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置 HTTP 版本
pub fn version(self, version: Version) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置 URL query string,添加指定的 query 内容。
// 例如:.query(&[("foo", "a"), ("foo", "b")]) gives "foo=a&foo=b".
pub fn query<T: Serialize + ?Sized>(self, query: &T) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置 Body 为传入的 from 表单编码的结果,Content-Type 为 application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// 自动对 form 数据进行 URL 编码。
pub fn form<T: Serialize + ?Sized>(self, form: &T) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置 Body 为 multipart/form-data body,可以包含表单数据和文件数据
pub fn multipart(self, multipart: Form) -> RequestBuilder
// 设置 Body 为 json 数据。
pub fn json<T: Serialize + ?Sized>(self, json: &T) -> RequestBuilder
pub fn fetch_mode_no_cors(self) -> RequestBuilder
// 构造 Request
pub fn build(self) -> Result<Request>
pub fn build_split(self) -> (Client, Result<Request>)
// 构造并异步发送 Request,返回 Response
pub fn send(self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response, Error>>
pub fn try_clone(&self) -> Option<RequestBuilder>
Request 的 form() 和 multipart() 方法的区别:
- form() 方法:传入一个 Serialize 对象,对其各字段进行 URL 编码,设置
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
; - multipart() 方法:传入一个 multipart::Form 对象,设置
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
一般使用 Client 提供的方法来创建自包含 Client 和 Method 的 RequestBuilder,如 reqwest::Client::new().get(url)
Client 是使用连接池的 HTTP Clint,可以使用 new() 方法创建缺省配置的 Client,也可以使用 ClientBuilder 来自定义 Client。
14 multipart Form/Part #
使用 multipart/form 需要开启 multipart feature。
MIME 类型用于提交包含文件和二进制数据的表单,适用于文件上传等场景。结构如下:
- 边界 :开始部分
- 头部 :包含内容描述 Header,如
- 空行 :用于分隔头部和内容
- 内容 :表单字段或文件数据
- 边界 :结束部分
(⚠️:以 – 结尾表示结束边界)
POST /upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field2"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="example.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
This is the content of the file.
Form 是一个异步的 multipart/form-data
impl Form
pub fn new() -> Form
// 返回该 From 使用的 boundary 字符串
pub fn boundary(&self) -> &str
// 添加表单数据
pub fn text<T, U>(self, name: T, value: U) -> Form where T: Into<Cow<'static, str>>, U: Into<Cow<'static, str>>
// 添加文件数据,part 参数为 multipart::Part 对象,包含 bytes 和 filename
pub fn part<T>(self, name: T, part: Part) -> Form where T: Into<Cow<'static, str>>
pub fn percent_encode_path_segment(self) -> Form
pub fn percent_encode_attr_chars(self) -> Form
pub fn percent_encode_noop(self) -> Form
reqwest::multipart::Part 是 multipart 的一个 part 部分,可以同时包含表单和文件数据:
- text() 表单数据;
- bytes() 任意二进制数据;
- mime_str() 设置本 part 的 MIME 类型;
- file_name() 设置本 part 的 filename;
- headers() 设置本 part 的自定义 header;
impl Part
// 文本数据
pub fn text<T>(value: T) -> Part where T: Into<Cow<'static, str>>
// 二进制数据
pub fn bytes<T>(value: T) -> Part where T: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>
pub fn stream<T: Into<Body>>(value: T) -> Part
pub fn stream_with_length<T: Into<Body>>(value: T, length: u64) -> Part
// MIME 类型
pub fn mime_str(self, mime: &str) -> Result<Part>
// 文件名
pub fn file_name<T>(self, filename: T) -> Part where T: Into<Cow<'static, str>>
// http header
pub fn headers(self, headers: HeaderMap) -> Part
示例:使用 multipart/form-data 上传表单和文件:
- 先创建一个 multipart::Form 对象,.text() 设置表单,.part() 设置文件;
- 调用 request::multipart() 方法,传入上一步创建的 multipart form 对象;
use reqwest::multipart;
use reqwest::Client;
use std::fs;
use tokio;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// 创建 HTTP 客户端
let client = Client::new();
// 读取文件内容
let file_content = fs::read("path/to/your/file")?;
// 创建多部分表单
let form = multipart::Form::new()
.text("field1", "value1")
.text("field2", "value2")
.part("file", multipart::Part::bytes(file_content).file_name("your_file.txt"));
// 发送 POST 请求
let response = client
// 检查响应状态
if response.status().is_success() {
println!("Upload successful!");
} else {
println!("Upload failed: {:?}", response.status());
15 Body #
两类 Body:
- Body trait:在 http_body crate 中定义,在 hyper/axum/reqwest 中得到复用;
- Body struct:在 reqwest::Body 中定义, 实现了
http_body::Body trait
reqwest::Body 没有构建方法,但是实现了 From<T> trait,可以从其它类型转换而来:
pub struct Body { /* private fields */ }
impl Body
pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>
pub fn wrap_stream<S>(stream: S) -> Body
S: TryStream + Send + Sync + 'static,
S::Error: Into<Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>,
Bytes: From<S::Ok>
// 实现 http_body::Body trait,返回的 Data 类型是 bytes::Bytes,可以当作 &[u8] 来使用。
impl Body for Body
type Data = Bytes
type Error = Error
// 创建 Body
impl From<&'static [u8]> for Body
impl From<&'static str> for Body
impl From<Bytes> for Body
impl From<File> for Body
impl From<Response> for Body
impl From<String> for Body
impl From<Vec<u8>> for Body
Body 的使用场景:
- reqwest::Request::body() : 获取 Body;
- reqwest::RequestBuilder::body(): 设置 Body;
16 Client/ClientBuilder #
Client 对象用于构造 RequestBuilder 和发送 Request,它内部使用连接池和 Arc,是线程安全的:
impl Client
// 创建一个缺省配置的 Client
pub fn new() -> Client
// 创建一个 RequestBuilder
// 通用 request builder
pub fn request<U: IntoUrl>(&self, method: Method, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
// 后调调用 RequestBuilder 的 send() 方法来发送请求
pub fn get<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
pub fn post<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
pub fn put<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
pub fn patch<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
pub fn delete<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
pub fn head<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> RequestBuilder
// 异步执行请求(返回一个 Future)
pub fn execute(&self, request: Request) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response, Error>>
// 示例
// 创建缺省配置的、可复用的 Client(没有使用 ClientBuilder)
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let resp = client.delete("") // 创建 RequestBuilder
.basic_auth("admin", Some("good password")) // 设置 RequestBuilder
.send() // 发送请求获得响应
// 发送 mulitipart 表单和文件数据
let form = reqwest::multipart::Form::new().text("key3", "value3").text("key4", "value4");
let response = client
.post("your url") // 返回 RequestBuilder
.multipart(form) // 设置 RequestBuilder
// 发送 form 表单数据
let mut params = HashMap::new();
params.insert("lang", "rust# 中"); // 会进行 URL 编码
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let req = client
let bytes = req.body().unwrap().as_bytes().unwrap();
println!("req body: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes));
// req body: "lang=rust%23+%E4%B8%AD"
// 发送 JSON 数据
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("lang", "rust# %#"); // 不会进行 URL 编码
map.insert("body", "json");
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let res = client
let bytes = res.body().unwrap().as_bytes().unwrap();
println!("req json: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes));
// req json: "{\"lang\":\"rust# %#\",\"body\":\"json\"}"
ClientBuilder 用于自定义 Client 配置:
- HeaderMap 等 header 相关类型实际是 http crate 的 header module 提供的。
impl ClientBuilder
pub fn new() -> ClientBuilder
pub fn build(self) -> Result<Client> // 返回一个 Client
pub fn user_agent<V>(self, value: V) -> ClientBuilder where V: TryInto<HeaderValue>, V::Error: Into<Error>
// 为每个 reqeust 设置的缺省 header
pub fn default_headers(self, headers: HeaderMap) -> ClientBuilder
// 缺省情况下,不开启 cookie sotre,需要调用以下两个方法之一来开启
// 1. 开启并使用缺省的 cookie store
pub fn cookie_store(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 2. 开启并使用指定的 cookiestore
pub fn cookie_provider<C: CookieStore + 'static>(self, cookie_store: Arc<C>) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn gzip(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn brotli(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn zstd(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn deflate(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_gzip(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_brotli(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_zstd(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_deflate(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn redirect(self, policy: Policy) -> ClientBuilder
// 缺省为 true
pub fn referer(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 缺省从环境变量中获取 HTTP、HTTPS 代理,socks5 代理需要开启 socks feature 的情况下才支持。
pub fn proxy(self, proxy: Proxy) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_proxy(self) -> ClientBuilder
// 从建立连接到读取 body 结束的超时时间(默认不超时)
pub fn timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> ClientBuilder
// 每次 read 超时时间,read 成功后重置(默认不超时)
pub fn read_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> ClientBuilder
// 建立连接超时时间(默认不超时)
pub fn connect_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> ClientBuilder
// 启用后,发送 TRACE 级别的 log
pub fn connection_verbose(self, verbose: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 连接池空闲时间(默认 90s)
pub fn pool_idle_timeout<D>(self, val: D) -> ClientBuilder where D: Into<Option<Duration>>
// 默认无限制
pub fn pool_max_idle_per_host(self, max: usize) -> ClientBuilder
// Send headers as title case instead of lowercase.
pub fn http1_title_case_headers(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http1_allow_obsolete_multiline_headers_in_responses(self, value: bool ) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http1_ignore_invalid_headers_in_responses( self, value: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http1_allow_spaces_after_header_name_in_responses( self, value: bool ) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http1_only(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http09_responses(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_prior_knowledge(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_initial_stream_window_size( self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>> ) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_initial_connection_window_size( self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>> ) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_adaptive_window(self, enabled: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_max_frame_size(self, sz: impl Into<Option<u32>>) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_keep_alive_interval( self, interval: impl Into<Option<Duration>>) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_keep_alive_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn http2_keep_alive_while_idle(self, enabled: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 缺省为 true
pub fn tcp_nodelay(self, enabled: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn local_address<T>(self, addr: T) -> ClientBuilder where T: Into<Option<IpAddr>>
pub fn interface(self, interface: &str) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn tcp_keepalive<D>(self, val: D) -> ClientBuilder where D: Into<Option<Duration>>
// 添加自定义 root 证书
pub fn add_root_certificate(self, cert: Certificate) -> ClientBuilder
// 缺省为 true,使用系统 root 证书,设置为 false 时只使用添加的证书
pub fn tls_built_in_root_certs( self, tls_built_in_root_certs: bool ) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn tls_built_in_webpki_certs(self, enabled: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn tls_built_in_native_certs(self, enabled: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 指定 client 证书
pub fn identity(self, identity: Identity) -> ClientBuilder
// 接受无效的证书
pub fn danger_accept_invalid_hostnames( self, accept_invalid_hostname: bool ) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn danger_accept_invalid_certs( self, accept_invalid_certs: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 默认为 true
pub fn tls_sni(self, tls_sni: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn min_tls_version(self, version: Version) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn max_tls_version(self, version: Version) -> ClientBuilder
// tls backend 选择
pub fn use_native_tls(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn use_rustls_tls(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn use_preconfigured_tls(self, tls: impl Any) -> ClientBuilder
// Add TLS information as TlsInfo extension to responses
pub fn tls_info(self, tls_info: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// 默认为 false
pub fn https_only(self, enabled: bool) -> ClientBuilder
// Enables the hickory-dns async resolver instead of a default threadpool using getaddrinfo.
// If the hickory-dns feature is turned on, the default option is enabled.
pub fn hickory_dns(self, enable: bool) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_trust_dns(self) -> ClientBuilder
pub fn no_hickory_dns(self) -> ClientBuilder
// 将 domain 的地址重写为指定值
pub fn resolve(self, domain: &str, addr: SocketAddr) -> ClientBuilder
// 将 domain 的域名解析结果重写为指定 slice
pub fn resolve_to_addrs( self, domain: &str, addrs: &[SocketAddr]) -> ClientBuilder
// 使用指定的 DNS Resolve 实现
pub fn dns_resolver<R: Resolve + 'static>( self, resolver: Arc<R>) -> ClientBuilder
// Name your user agent after your app?
static APP_USER_AGENT: &str = concat!(
let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
let res = client
.get("") // 创建一个 RequestBuilder
.send() // 异步发送 Request
use reqwest::header;
let mut headers = header::HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert("X-MY-HEADER", header::HeaderValue::from_static("value"));
// Consider marking security-sensitive headers with `set_sensitive`.
let mut auth_value = header::HeaderValue::from_static("secret");
headers.insert(header::AUTHORIZATION, auth_value);
// get a client builder
let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
let res = client.get("").send().await?;
17 Response #
reqwest 自定义了 Response 类型。
pub struct Response { /* private fields */ }
impl Response
pub fn status(&self) -> StatusCode
pub fn version(&self) -> Version
pub fn headers(&self) -> &HeaderMap
pub fn headers_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HeaderMap
pub fn content_length(&self) -> Option<u64>
pub fn cookies<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Cookie<'a>> + 'a
pub fn url(&self) -> &Url
pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> Option<SocketAddr>
pub fn extensions(&self) -> &Extensions
pub fn extensions_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Extensions
// 返回 utf-8 编码的 body 文本
pub async fn text(self) -> Result<String>
pub async fn text_with_charset(self, default_encoding: &str) -> Result<String>
let content = reqwest::get("").await?.text().await?;
println!("text: {content:?}");
pub async fn json<T: DeserializeOwned>(self) -> Result<T>
struct Ip { origin: String, }
let ip = reqwest::get("") .await? .json::<Ip>() .await?;
println!("ip: {}", ip.origin);
pub async fn bytes(self) -> Result<Bytes> // bytes::Bytes 类型
let bytes = reqwest::get("") .await? .bytes() .await?;
println!("bytes: {bytes:?}");
pub async fn chunk(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Bytes>> // 流式响应
let mut res = reqwest::get("").await?;
while let Some(chunk) = res.chunk().await? {
println!("Chunk: {chunk:?}");
pub fn bytes_stream(self) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Bytes>>
use futures_util::StreamExt;
let mut stream = reqwest::get("") .await? .bytes_stream();
while let Some(item) = {
println!("Chunk: {:?}", item?);
pub fn error_for_status(self) -> Result<Self>
pub fn error_for_status_ref(&self) -> Result<&Self>
pub async fn upgrade(self) -> Result<Upgraded>
18 Error #
Struct reqwest::Error 表示在发送 Reqeust 时遇到的错误:
pub struct Error { /* private fields */ }
// reqwest::RequestBuilder 的 send() 返回 Error
pub fn send(self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response, Error>>
// reqwest::Client 的 execute() 返回 Error
pub fn execute(
request: Request,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response, Error>>
request::Error 类型的方法:
pub fn url(&self) -> Option<&Url>
pub fn url_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Url>
// Error 信息默认打印请求的完整 URL,可能包含敏感信息,可以调用 without_url() 来清理不显示。
pub fn with_url(self, url: Url) -> Self
pub fn without_url(self) -> Self
// 产生该 Error 相关的各种原因
pub fn is_builder(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_redirect(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_status(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_timeout(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_request(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_connect(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_body(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_decode(&self) -> bool
// Returns the status code, if the error was generated from a response.
pub fn status(&self) -> Option<StatusCode>
// displays last stop of a redirect loop
let response = reqwest::get("http://site.with.redirect.loop").await;
if let Err(e) = response {
if e.is_redirect() {
if let Some(final_stop) = e.url() {
println!("redirect loop at {final_stop}");
use http::StatusCode;
assert_eq!(StatusCode::from_u16(200).unwrap(), StatusCode::OK);
assert_eq!(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND.as_u16(), 404);