
1. 标识符和注释:identify/comment

rust-lang - 这篇文章属于一个选集。
§ 1: 本文


raw indentifyr# 开头,后面可以使用关键字作为标识符。


  • foo
  • _identifier
  • r#true
  • Москва
  • 東京


  1. 常规注释: 不显示在 cargo doc 中:

    1. // :单行注释;
    2. /* */ : 块注释;
  2. cargo doc 文档注释:

    1. INNER LINE DOC: //!
    2. INNER BLOCK DOC: /*! */
    3. OUTER LINE DOC: ///
    4. OUTER BLOCK DOC: /** */

INNER 是 module/crate 级别的注释,等效于 #![doc="comment"]

OUTER 是紧接着的 item 的注释,等效于 #[doc="comment"]



// https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/comments.html

//! A doc comment that applies to the implicit anonymous module of this crate

pub mod outer_module {

    //!  - Inner line doc
    //!! - Still an inner line doc (but with a bang at the beginning)

    /*!  - Inner block doc */
    /*!! - Still an inner block doc (but with a bang at the beginning) */

    //   - Only a comment
    ///  - Outer line doc (exactly 3 slashes)
    //// - Only a comment

    /*   - Only a comment */
    /**  - Outer block doc (exactly) 2 asterisks */
    /*** - Only a comment */

    pub mod inner_module {}

    pub mod nested_comments {
        /* In Rust /* we can /* nest comments */ */ */

        // All three types of block comments can contain or be nested inside
        // any other type:

        /*   /* */  /** */  /*! */  */
        /*!  /* */  /** */  /*! */  */
        /**  /* */  /** */  /*! */  */
        pub mod dummy_item {}

    pub mod degenerate_cases {
        // empty inner line doc

        // empty inner block doc

        // empty line comment

        // empty outer line doc

        // empty block comment

        pub mod dummy_item {}

        // empty 2-asterisk block isn't a doc block, it is a block comment



    /* The next one isn't allowed because outer doc comments
       require an item that will receive the doc */

    /// Where is my item?
    pub fn test(){}
rust-lang - 这篇文章属于一个选集。
§ 1: 本文


10. 泛型和特性:generic/trait
Rust 泛型和特性
2. 变量和常量:variable/const/static
Rust 变量、常量介绍
3. 类型:type
Rust 内置基本类型介绍
4. 错误处理:panic/error/Option/Result
Rust 错误处理和 Option/Result 类型