embedded-graphics 支持 BDF 和 MonoFont 字体:
- 优先选择 BDF 字体, 特别是是中英文混合显示场景, MonoFont 由于中英文等宽, 会导致英文字体显示间距过大.
- 优先选择 embedded-graphics/bdf 方案.
The draw method for text drawables returns the position of the next character
. This can be used to
combine text with different character styles on a single line of text.
// https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/latest/embedded_graphics/text/index.html#examples
// Create a small and a large character style.
let small_style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_6X10, Rgb565::WHITE);
let large_style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_10X20, Rgb565::WHITE);
// Draw the first text at (20, 30) using the small character style.
let next = Text::new("small ", Point::new(20, 30), small_style).draw(&mut display)?;
// Draw the second text after the first text using the large character style.
let next = Text::new("large", next, large_style).draw(&mut display)?;
embedded-graphics/bdf #
该库可以从 bdf 字体文件中生成 embedded-graphics 能使用的:
- BDF Font:需要配合使用embedded-graphics/bdf/eg-bdf 库中提供的 BdfFont/BdfGlyph/BdfTextStyle 类型;
- MonoFont:embedded-graphics 可以直接导入使用;
先使用 otf2bdf 工具将 TTF(truetype font) 字体转换为 BDF(Bitmap Distribution Format) 类型:
- 对于 X11 使用的 pcf 字体格式,使用 pcf2bdf 工具将它转换为 bdf 格式;
- 转换时 -p 参数指定生成的 BDF 字体大小;
brew install otf2bdf
otf2bdf -p 12 -r 75 -o LXGWWenKai_Regular.bdf ~/Library/Fonts/LXGWWenKai-Regular.ttf
然后使用 eg-font-converter lib 来生成 BDF 或 MonoFont 字体:
- 两者都至少包含 2 个文件: bitmap data 文件(.data) 和需要 include!() 到引用的 rs 文件;
- MonoFont 的 bitmap 文件是从 png 图片生成的, 故 MonoFont 还会生成 png 文件;
生成 BDF 字体示例:
// /Users/zhangjun/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter/src/bin/my-bdf-font.rs
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ mkdir output
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ ls
Cargo.lock Cargo.toml output/ src/ tests/
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ cat src/bin/my-bdf-font.rs
use eg_font_converter::{FontConverter};
// 中文 unicode 字体范围: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJK_Unified_Ideographs_(Unicode_block)
// 使用 .glyphs() 来指定要生成的字符范围
fn main() {
let font = FontConverter::new("/Users/zhangjun/docs/LXGWWenKai_Regular.bdf", "BDF_LXGWWenKai_Regular_FONT")
.glyphs('\u{0000}'..='\u{007F}') // ASCII
.glyphs('\u{4E00}'..='\u{9FFF}') // 常用中文字体范围
.glyphs('\u{2E80}'..='\u{2EF3}') // 常见繁体字范围
.missing_glyph_substitute('?') // 替代字符
font.save("output/").unwrap(); // 结果写入 output 目录下, 存入 new(bdf_file, name) 的 小写 name.rs 文件中.
// 运行该程序
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ cargo run --bin my-bdf-font
Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.32s
Running `/Users/zhangjun/codes/rust/bdf/target/debug/my-bdf-font`
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ ls output/
bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.data bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.rs
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ ls -l output/
total 4.7M
-rw-r--r-- 1 zhangjun 310K 2 17 15:34 bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.data
-rw-r--r-- 1 zhangjun 4.4M 2 17 15:34 bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.rs
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ head -20 output/bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.rs
const BDF_LXGWWenKai_Regular_FONT: ::eg_bdf::BdfFont = {
const fn rect(
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
) -> ::embedded_graphics::primitives::Rectangle {
::embedded_graphics::geometry::Point::new(x, y),
::embedded_graphics::geometry::Size::new(width, height),
::eg_bdf::BdfFont {
data: include_bytes!("bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.data"),
replacement_character: 63usize,
ascent: 12u32,
descent: 3u32,
glyphs: &[
BdfGlyph {
character: '\0',
zj@a:~/codes/rust/bdf/eg-font-converter$ cp output/bdf_lxgwwenkai_regular_font.* ~/codes/esp32/st7735-lcd-examples/esp32c3-examples/src/
# 添加本地依赖
gzj@a:~/codes/esp32/st7735-lcd-examples/esp32c3-examples$ grep eg Cargo.toml
eg-bdf = { path = "../../../rust/bdf/eg-bdf/" } // clone https://github.com/embedded-graphics/bdf 的本地目录
use eg_bdf::{BdfGlyph, BdfTextStyle};
fn main() {
let text = "Happy\u{AD}Loong\u{AD}Year!\
Happy Hacking!\
Happy Loong Year!\u{A0}新年快乐!\u{A0}-from Rust ESP32";
let bdf_style = BdfTextStyle::new(&BDF_LXGWWenKai_Regular_FONT, Rgb565::WHITE);
let textbox_style = TextBoxStyleBuilder::new()
.line_height(LineHeight::Pixels(12)) // 字体高度与生成 otf2bdf -p 12 一致
let mut bounds = Rectangle::new(Point::new(0, 0), Size::new(128, 160));
let mut text_box = TextBox::with_textbox_style(text, bounds, bdf_style, textbox_style);
let next = text_box.draw(&mut display).unwrap();